Prof. Richard P. Feynman gave a visionary lecture at CALTECH in 1959 during the annual American Physical Society meeting:- Title

There is plenty of room at the bottom

Where he spoke about the power of manipulating materials at a small scale. Which is almost true now in modern Science and Engineering.

A decade later, Professor Norio Taniguchi coined the word nanotechnology- manipulating materials or engineering at the nanoscale (1-100 nm).

A molecular nanotechnology scientist Dr Eric Drexler in 1986 published a book           Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology 

He suggested that self-replicating nano-robots, designed to build new replicas of themselves atom by atom, might run amok and remake everything in their image, reducing the world to a grey sludge of intricate but pointless little machines. To Joy, such prospects might warrant our refraining from some areas of research. 

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, in its 2006 review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative, argues that it is difficult to predict the future capabilities of nanotechnology.

Now in 2022, every common person is aware of the power of such engineered self- replicating machines- Corona Virus

Nanotechnology: The art of nature, A precision engineering at small scale (1-100 nm), which Nature follow in their designing.

Prof. Richard P. Feynman

Why nanoscale? Unity is strength

Break Unity and Take their Advantage

Most of us have heard the story of the old man who taught his sons the importance of unity. He gave them sticks and asked them to break them one by one, and they all could do it easily. However, when he bundled the sticks together, the sons were unable to break them. This story conveys a moral lesson that unity has strength and that no one can exploit us if we stand together. A similar moral story exists in the realm of nanotechnology, where the physiochemical properties of materials are harnessed at the nano-size scale. When materials are mechanically milled to reach their nano-size scale, their average properties no longer exist, and the behavior of a few atoms becomes different. This is what makes the nanoscale so special - it allows us to harness the inherent properties of materials that we cannot exploit until we reach this scale. 

 ................this is special about nanoscale.

Scissor and clip, both functions depend on the point of interaction-

For Scissor one end opening then other end also same but it is opposite for the clip.

Same apply for the waves-

Entanglement of Waves

1)  Cross entanglement of waves ends up with real space

(one end activity represented on the other end)

2) Diffracted entanglement of two waves ends up with reciprocal space

(One end activity represented on the other end in reciprocal )  

Cross entanglement                                                             Diffracted entanglement

A walk in Real and Reciprocal space with the help of Numbers:

If you take ten steps in either the positive or negative direction on a scale and then find the reciprocal of that distance (1 divided by 10), you'll end up close to zero. This happens with the reciprocal of any number, resulting in a value that approaches zero. 


Art of nature

A precision engineering at a small scale (1-100 nm), mother nature follow in their design.

A remarkable beautification of Butterfly’s wings-

To achieve such precision engineering, we must know the precise control of materials at the nanoscale, which was expected by Prof. Feynman in 1959.

If we exfoliate the natural materials. For example- Peacock Feather is shown in the Figure below. Nature inweaves its materials at the nanoscale in a complex manner to impart a lightweight and high strength.  We must understand the phenomena to replicate such materials.

Kumar et al. Nature Asia Materials (2021).

Nature Inspired: engineering analogous to nature


Complexity in the natural world 

Nanotechnology in Nature:

Why scale 1-100 nm become important  ???????

1) Quantum confinement

When a material's dimension reduces to a lower than 100 nm, the interface or surfaces act as a boundary and the moving particles (electrons) are trapped or confined.  This impeding the motion of electrons change material's electronics and optical properties compared to their bulk counterpart.

Below animations are showing; how a particular size cavity (well) becomes a trap for a moving caterpillar (moving like a wave), while other size does not affect its motion. Similarly, a ball moving and trapped in a particular size. 

                                                             Moving like a wave                                                            Moving like a particle