Trademark Crosswalks

Below are links to the 'Algorithmic Links with Probabilities' (ALP) crosswalks which convert the NICE Trademark classification system into the following industry classifications: ISIC (Rev. 2, 3, 3.1, 4), SITC (Rev. 2, 3, 4), NAICS (1997, 2002, 2007) and HS (2002 and 2007). If you have any questions or feedback, please contact me here.

November 2022 Update - The 2% weight threshold condition was removed to ensure representation from all classes and industries that have at least a single match.

December 2022 Update - A filter was embedded to reduce "noisy" matches (similar to the patent concordances).

May 2023 Update - The 4 and 5 digit SITCs were truncated incorrectly and this has been corrected (many thanks to Giulia Lo Forte for pointing this out. Check out here webpage here).

NICE-Based Crosswalks - Version 2305

Please cite the following:

"An ‘Algorithmic Links with Probabilities’ Concordance for Trademarks with an Application Towards Bilateral IP Flows" (Lead Author) with Travis Lybbert and Prantik Battacharyya, The World Economy. 40.6 (2017): 1184-1213.