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1. "Getting patents and economic data to speak to each other: An ‘algorithmic links with probabilities’ approach for joint analyses of patenting and economic activity." with Travis Lybbert, Research Policy, 43.3 (2014): 530-542.

2. "Wrapping it up in a person: Examining employment and earnings outcomes for Ph.D. recipients" (Lead Author) with Nathan Goldschlag, Ron Jarmin, Paula Stephan, Jason Owen-Smith, Rebecca Rosen, Barbara McFadden Allen, Bruce Weinberg and Julia Lane, Science, 350.6266 (2015): 1367- 1371.

Press: Business Insider, VOX, Washington Post,       

3. "An ‘Algorithmic Links with Probabilities’ Concordance for Trademarks with an Application Towards Bilateral IP Flows" (Lead Author) with Travis Lybbert and Prantik Battacharyya, The World Economy, 40.6 (2017): 1184-1213.

4. "Proximity and Economic Activity: An Analysis of Vendor-University Transactions" with Nathan Goldschlag, Julia Lane and Bruce Weinberg, Journal of Regional Science, 59.1 (2019): 163-182.

5."Measuring Job Creation, Growth and Survival among the Universe of Startups in the United States using a Combined Startup Panel Dataset" with Robert Fairlie and Javier Miranda, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 72.5 (2019): 1262-1277. 

6. "A Portrait of U.S. Firms that Invest in R&D" with Lucia Foster and Cheryl Grim, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 29.1 (2020): 89-111.

7. "Tracking the Technological Composition of Industries with Algorithmic Patent Concordances" with Nathan Goldschlag and Travis Lybbert, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 29.6 (2020): 582-602.

8. "Advanced Technology Adoption: Selection or Causal Effects?" with Daron Acemoglu, Gary Anderson, David Beede, Catherine Buffington, Eric Childress, Emin Dinlersoz, Lucia Foster, Nathan Goldschlag, John Haltiwanger, Zachary Kroff and Pascual Restrepo, AEA Papers & Proceedings, 113 (2023): 210-214.

9.  "AI Adoption in America: Who, What, and Where" with Kristina McElheran, Erik Brynjolfsson, Emin Dinlersoz, Lucia Foster, Frank Li and Zachary Kroff, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming.

Press: Wired

Book Chapters

1. “Research Expenditures as Human Capital in New Business Outcomes” with Nathan Goldschlag, Ron Jarmin and Julia Lane. Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the 21st Century, University of Chicago Press. 2018.

2. “An Anatomy of U.S. Firms Seeking Trademark Registration” with Emin Dinlersoz, Nathan Goldschlag and Amanda Myers. Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the 21st Century, University of Chicago Press. 2018. NBER Working Paper No. 25038.

3. “Measuring the Impact of Household Innovation using Administrative Data” with Javier Miranda. Measuring and Accounting for Innovation in the 21st Century, University of Chicago Press. 2018. NBER Working Paper No. 25259.

Press: VoxEU

4. "The Conceptual and Empirical Framework" with Nathan Goldschlag, Julia Lane and Bruce Weinberg. Measuring the Economic Value of Research. 2017. Cambridge University Press, 2017.

5. "How do Patents Shape Global Value Chains? International Patenting, Value-Added Trade and Production Stages" with Travis Lybbert. WTO Handbook on Trade in Knowledge. Cambridge University Press.

6.  "Automation and the Workforce: A Firm-Level View from the 2019 Annual Business Survey" with Daron Acemoglu, Gary Anderson, David Beede, Catherine Buffington, Eric Childress, Emin Dinlersoz, Lucia Foster, Nathan Goldschlag, John Haltiwanger, Zachary Kroff and Pascual Restrepo,  NBER Working Paper No. 30659.

Press: VoxEU, New York Times


1. "The Promise and Peril of Entrepreneurship: Job Creation and Survival among US Startups" with Robert Fairlie, Zachary Kroff and Javier Miranda.  MIT Press.

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Press: Financial Times

Working Papers

1. "International Patenting with Heterogeneous Firms", CES Working Paper No. 14-28. 

2.  “Does Offshoring Manufacturing Harm Innovation? Evidence from Taiwan and China” with Lee Branstetter, Jong-Rong Chen and Britta Glennon, NBER Working Paper No. 29117.

Press: The Economist

3. “Advanced Technologies Adoption and Use by U.S.Firms: Evidence from the Annual Business Survey” with Erik Brynjolfsson, Kristina McElheran, David Beede, Catherine Buffington, Nathan Goldschlag, Lucia Foster, Zachary Kroff and Emin Dinlersoz, NBER Working Paper No. 28290.

Press: Forbes, Wired, Morning Brew, New York Times, CNBC

4. "Colocation of Production and Innovation: Evidence from the United States" with Teresa Fort, Wolfgang Keller, Peter Schott and Stephen Yeaple

Press: The Economist

5. “On The Role of Trademarks: From Micro Evidence to Macro Outcomes ” with Emin Dinlersoz, Nathan Goldschlag and Mehmet Yorukoglu,  CES Working Paper No. 23-16

6. “Quantifying the Effect of AI on the U.S. Economy: A Machine Learning Approach” with Lee Branstetter, Dean Alderucci, Eduard Hovy and Andrew Runge

7.  "Starting Up AI" with Emin Dinlersoz and Can Dogan

8. "Trade Liberalization and the Effects on Domestic Innovation"