
Ph.D. supervisor (co-supervisor Dr. Cecilia Cabeza) of M.Sc. Caracé Gutierrez

Program:  Ph.D. in Physics, PEDECIBA

Funding:   ANII grant POS_NAC_2018_1_151237

Start:        April 2019

End:          December 2022

Thesis:    Finding the optimal connectivity for Complex Systems: maximising the information transmission with minimal connections

Topics:      Non-linear dynamics and Complex Networks

Ph.D. co-supervisor (supervisors Dr. Pablo Torterolo and Dr. Ignacio Carrera) of B.Sc. Joaquín González

Program:  Ph.D. in Neuroscience, PEDECIBA

Funding:   CAP UdelaR scholarship for TAs

Start:        March 2021

End:          March 2023

Thesis:      Characterization of a psychodelic state in rats: Ibogaine and REM sleep

Topics:      Neuroscience and Data Analysis

Project supervisor: 8 students from the M.Sc. in Data Science, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology

Program:  M.Sc. in Data Science (taught), Sep. 2022 - Sep. 2023

Topics:      Data-mining in real-world networks

Project supervisor: 6 students from the M.Sc. in Data Science, University of Aberdeen, King's College, Institute for Complex Systems and Mathematical Biology

Program:  M.Sc. in Data Science (taught), Sep. 2021 - Sep. 2022

Topics:      Non-linear time-series and Complex Network analyses