
Ph.D. supervisor (co-supervisor Prof. Marcelo Barreiro) of Nicolás Dı́az

Program:  Ph.D. in Physics, PEDECIBA

Funding:  CAP UdelaR scholarship for TAs

Start-End:  March 2018 - July 2023

Thesis:     Intra-seasonal Predictability of Precipitation in South-eastern South America During Austral Summer

Topics:     Weather and Climate forecasting, Data Analysis, Dynamical Models

M.Sc. co-supervisor (supervisors Dr. Javier Brum and Dr. Alejandra Kuhn) of Maximiliano Anzibar

Program:  M.Sc. in Physics, PEDECIBA

Funding:  CSIC I+D group grant (No. 1692) / FCE_1_2019_1_155539 / POS_NAC_M_2020_1_164127

Start-End: March 2020 - July 2023

Thesis:     Ultrafast Doppler and Functional Ultrasound for the quantification of cerebral blood volume and brain connectivity in TrJ mice, a model for the Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1E neuropathy

Topics:  Neuroscience, Ultrasound, Data Analysis

Now: Technical Assistant of the Unidad de Bioimagenología Avanzada of the Pasteur Institute Montevideo

M.Sc. supervisor of Juan Gancio

Program: M.Sc. in Physics, PEDECIBA

Funding: ANII grant POS_NAC_2018_1_151185/CAP UdelaR scholarship for TAs

Start-End: March 2019 - July 2022

Thesis: Synchronisation and extensivity of coupled maps in regular networks

Topics: Statistical Mechanics, Complex Networks, and Non-linear dynamics

Now: Ph.D. student at the Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain, under the supervision of Prof. Cristina Masoller.

M.Sc. co-supervisor (supervisor Dr. Cecilia Cabeza) of Caracé Gutierrez

Program: M.Sc. in Physics, PEDECIBA

Funding: ANII grant POS_NAC_2016_1_130518

Start-end: April 2017 - March 2019

Thesis: Bifurcations and hysteresis in coupled logistic-maps

Topics: Non-linear dynamics

Now: Caracé is doing his Ph.D. in Physics (continuing under our supervision) and teaching Physics at secondary level institutions.

M.Sc. co-supervisor (supervisors Dr. M. Fiori, Dr. V. Gradı́n, and Prof. P. Musé) of Eng. Joep Kamps

Program: External internship for M.Sc.program of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

Start-End: November 2016 - April 2017

Funding: TU/e scholarship, Netherlands

Project: Estimating differences between large-scale brain connectivity from resting-state functional MRI of healthy and depressed subjects

Now: Joep is working as a Data Manager at the A-eye Research Group of Radbound University Medical Centre, Netherlands).

UG co-supervisor (supervisor Dr. Cecilia Cabeza) of B.Sc. student Juan Gancio

Program: B.Sc. final project

Start-end: March 2017 - July 2017

Funding: N/A

Thesis: Synchronisation and Chaos in coupled Chua circuits

Now: Juan is doing a M.Sc. in Physics thesis under my supervision and working as a Teaching Assistant at the IFFC (Physics Institute).

UG co-supervisor (supervisor Dr. Cecilia Cabeza) of B.Sc. student Felipe Rinderknecht

Program: B.Sc. final project

Start-End: March 2017 - July 2017

Funding: N/A

Thesis: Synchronisation and Chaos in coupled Chua circuits

Now: Felipe is doing a M.Sc. in Physics thesis at the Laboratory of Fluid Instabilities at the IFFC (Physics Institute).

UG supervisor of B.Sc. Rodrigo Garcı́a

Program: Research Initiation projects, CSIC

Start-End: April 2016 - April 2017

Funding: CSIC No 97 scholarship

Project: Relationship between behaviour and structure in Complex Systems

Now: Rodigo is doing a Ph.D. at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine from the University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

UG supervisor of B.Sc. student Felipe Figueroa

Program: Research Initiation projects, PEDECIBA

Start-End: Mar. 2016 - October 2016

Funding: PEDECIBA scholarships

Thesis: Emergence of Synchrony and Chaos in coupled phase-oscillators

Now: Felipe finished a M.Sc. in Physics entitled "The role of the quarks in the QCD interactions" under the supervision of Dr. Marcela Pelaez at the School of Engineering, UdelaR.

M.Sc. supervisor of B.Sc. Federico Abellá

Program:  M.Sc. in Physics, PEDECIBA

Funding:   CAP UdelaR scholarship for TAs

Start:       March 2016

End:          suspended

Thesis:     Community Detection in Networks

Topic:       Complex Networks

Now: working as a Programmer and Data Analyst