Research Interests

Eco-evolutionary dynamics within ecological networks

Body size coevolution and emergence of food web structures

Implications of body size coevolution for network functioning

Coevolution in mutualistic vs antagonistic systems. Impacts on their structure and functioning

Coevolution of species phenologies and structure of related networks

Coevolution within pollination systems

Eco-evolutionary dynamics in space

Species sorting vs monopolization hypothesis

Evolution of dispersal in fragmented metapopulations

Influence of species evolution on meta-ecosystem dynamics

Evolution and ecosystem functioning

Evolution in food chains and influence on bottom up vs top down controls

Evolution of niche construction

Influence of evolution on the occurence and magnitude of tipping points (alternative stable states)

Plant defenses and plant-herbivore coevolution

Diversification of plant strategies

Influence of plant and herbivore evolution on the distribution of nutrient in ecosystems and meta-ecosystems

Nutrient enrichment and investment in plant defenses

Effect of plant herbivore coevolution on food web structures

Implications of evolution from a global change point of view

Effects of global warming in the coevolution and structure of food webs

Effects of species exploitation/harvesting on coexistence and evolution of species

Evolution and sustainability in agriculture

Implications of evolutionary dynamics on the management of nutrient enrichment/eutrophication issues