Nico Döttling

Research Homepage

I am a faculty at the Helmholtz Center for Information Security (CISPA) in Saarbrücken, here's a link to the site of my research group. The focus of my research is public key encryption and secure two-party computation.

I earned my Ph.D. in 2014 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, under the supervision of Jörn Müller-Quade. My dissertation was honored with the Erika and Dr. Wolfgang Eichelberger Dissertation Award in the same year. Following postdoctoral research at Aarhus University and UC Berkeley, I served as an assistant professor at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg before joining CISPA. My work has be recognized in the field, including receiving a Best Paper Award at CRYPTO 2017, and is currently supported by an ERC Starting Grant.

You can contact me via

nico dot doettling at gmail dot com

I do not answer to generic, unpersonalized job applications


Current PhD Students



Former Postdocs


Program Committees

Picture by CISPA/Tobias Ebelshäuser

Conference Publications

Journal Publications

You can also find some of my publications on my Google Scholar profile.
