
A short description of Buttons/Functions in the Settings Page

Chosse Theme

Light for a light, grey background or

Dark for a black background.

Scan for NAS

Scans your WLAN for a SMB Network Share(NAS).

If it founds no One, just try again, somtimes they need a moment to wake up.

If you found one, next, select the folder with your Movies,

e.g. "/Public/Shared Videos"

Per Default the NAS is scanned anonym. But you could also set a user and password for NAS Access.

Pictures are automatically sized down to reduce space and risc of OutOfMemory.

Choose Target

Let you select your preferred Movie Player.

At Movie Details you have also an Actionbutton to select your Target.


Here you make your Configuration for UPnP.

Use UPnP Server

With "Use UPnP Server" you can full enable/disable the usage of UPnP. UPnP is an asyncron Process with changing IP-Adresses and Ports. For Example, if I switching off and on my TV the UPnP Port is randomly changed. So nfo Movie Db has continously to scan for Devices with a background service. This consumes some CPU and Battery Time. So with putting Off "Use UPnP Server" you can fully disable UPnP in nfo Movie Db.

With UPnP ON you could quit the UPnP functionality at runtime only from the main page by using "Quit" the App or just pressing the back Button. From other Pages pressing e.g. the Home Button lets the UPnP Service still running in the background and looking for UPnP devices.

Scan for UPnP/DLNA Server nfo Movie Browser only supports UPnP when the UPnP Server is placed on your NAS !

With "Scan for UPnP/DLNA Server" the App searches at the IP-Address of the NAS for a UPnP Server. Retry the scan if you not find your UPnP Server.

If the UPnP Server ist found, please select the folder which is the same as your NAS video folder.

On my MyBookLive with a Twonky UPnP Server the NAS folder "/Public/Shared Videos" is mapped to "/Videos/By Folder" in UPnP.

Scan for UPnP Renderer / TV

Here you can Scan and select your UPnP Movie Player or TV.

In Movie Details there is also a menue for the same.

Message for new Renderer

You get a short Toast Message when the UPnP Service discovers a new UPnP Device.


Just searches for the IP-Address from your XBMC.


As for XBMC the IP-Adress from your BoxeeBox is searched.

Boxee Share to NAS

SMB and NFS Shares are supported.

Windows Network (SMB)

If your Share does NOT start with "nfs://",

a smb share is asumed and the smb path send to the Boxeebox.

The Entry for Boxee Share to NAS could be


Network File System (NFS)

For NFS Shares, starting with "nfs://" Boxee has a maping to the public folder from the NAS, e.g.

"nfs://MyBookLive.local/nfs:/Public/Shared Videos/"


"MyBookLive.local" is the address from my NAS


"/Public/Shared Videos/" is the Shared Video Folder from my NAS as above.

Boxee Paring

Before you can use the BoxeeBox, you have to make a Pairing:

Open in the Settings Page the Pairing Dialog.

Click Ping to see, if the IP-Adress is right from the Settings Page.

If there is no Pong, go back to Settings Page and check the Adress or your Network...

If there is a Pong, click Start Pairing.

BoxeeBox should show a 4 digit Passcode.

If there is an Error, please check your Device ID in the Settings Page before.

Click Commit Pairing and input the 4 digit Passcode.

There should be something like "success:true".


Memory Usage

Store for Cover Pics

Choose the Place for Cover Pics, the virtual sdcard0 (default) or the internal memory.