Step 4 - Information on residents

Hopefully you will now have the names and, for the majority of men, the occupations of the nineteen century residents of your property and, possibly, other related information. The next step is to see what you can unearth about the lives and families of each individual.

In addition to the census returns there are various possible sources.

Internet Search Google Search

Newspapers & Periodicals Searching Newspapers

Registers Registers

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford Dictionary of National Biography

Genealogy records Genealogy records

Should you come across material related to a resident, such as a book they published or in which there is likely to be more information about them, you can check to see if the publication is available to view at either:

The Edinburgh Room at Edinburgh's Central Library .

or The National Library of Scotland for which you will require a NLS library card (free to anyone) to consult material in its reading rooms.