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19 - MONEY 



21 - BIG  HACK  

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23 - PEACE 

24 - DRONES 



       War & Peace

Most of what follows here below is,  

of course,

war games makers or conspiracy theorists' stuff ! 


Nuke Wars   2015 to 2150


edit text :  


With modern nuke bombs

the base of the mushroom 

can be about 100 km in radius. 

Nothing is left but a crater of dust,

radio-active for 100 000 years.   

Click or touch here to see this picture 

and other nuke, or neutron Videos 

    Nuke Nations    Iran's nuke power 2015

    Neutron bombs              EMP  

    How to make a neutron bomb 


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      Mediterranean Sea before WW3  

     "Could demographic and economical developments

        break the trend for a build-up to WW3, WW4, WW5 ... ?"  


      War Biz 

      Military Industrial Complex 

      Warmongers + NWO + Illuminati    

Arms-Weapons,  Guns-Ammo,  merchants, traders, dealers, runners …  


Spies' lies  

"Spies lie as they breathe"  

”...financing the CIA, a normal business …” 

Eisenhower Farewell Address  



Cyber  Warfare 



Psychological  Warfare 


Psychological  Warfare  in  WW3  by  2016  


             by the CIA             The Russians   


           The Chinese            The Koreans  


                  Israel               others ... by 2016 


            On the Web      The NSC      The NSA 


      Secret America     Kissinger Associates ... 


Some conspiracy theories real ?   


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The Swedish Kingdom under attack !

            In cold blood in Stockholm.


First published at   21 - BIG  HACK   26.02.2016 

A psychological-warfare free web-novel

With new facts.

By  PAT     



A worried king  Carl-XVI-Gustav  

in Åre, 29 Feb 1986  (Photo SDS).





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