Georgia's Official Quiz Bowl Championship HOME

GATA is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting academic teams and promoting quality quiz bowl competition in Georgia. In addition to our work supporting teams, GATA also hosts the tournaments listed in the calendar tab.

If you have any questions about GATA, please email us.

Tournaments are the soul of quizbowl. Big or small, a well-run tournament with a competitive field is is what makes all the hard work coaches and players put into quizbowl worthwhile. GATA is committed to helping coordinators host well-run tournaments.

View our tournament calendar. 

Register for GATA tournaments on the NAQT website. 

Readers Welcome

Readers are always wanted! GATA relies solely on volunteer readers from attending schools and anyone who has had reading experience at quiz bowl events. If you are interested in reading for GATA events, please email us and we will get you on the list. GATA offers lunch for all volunteer readers and will also sign off on any service hours for organizations.