
Kick starting your teaching: grading system, course styles offered by current faculty, resources available for teaching.

Teaching loads vary from department to department. The maximum teaching load for a faculty is usually one course per semester. The teaching load, on an average, is 1.7 courses per year per faculty in engineering departments and 1.1 courses per year per faculty in science departments. Most of the courses are 3 credits (i.e., 3 hours per week). The core courses are compulsory for M.E students and these classes are usually large (around 50 students).

The grading system is on an eight point scale. There is a department curriculum committee (called DCC), which basically consolidates all the grades and sends it to the academic section. The instructor develops the own syllabus and gives the grade. There is no restriction on the number of exams, mode of exam (open book, open notes, closed book etc.), the type of evaluation (exams, class interaction, reports etc) or distribution of grades.

To teach/introduce a new course, you need to put forward a proposal to DCC giving the details of the class (format: DOC | PDF). Once the DCC approves, it will be forwarded to Senate Curriculum Committee (SCC) and you can offer the class once these formalities are finished. Note that, you need to make sure that the reference text books are available in either in the main library and departmental library. Your department library person can help you out with acquisition of the required reference text books. If you wish to teach already existing class, you can contact any DCC member and he/she should be able to help you with the formalities.

Most of the departments are equipped with a multimedia class room (MMCR) with facilities to record the lectures and give lectures using powerpoint or whiteboard.

If you are teaching a core course, you can request that a teaching assistant be assigned for the course. The student is paid a small sum and thus the student is benefited both intellectually and monetarily.