Enhancing Clinical Movement Diagnostics

To enhance the assessment of movement impairments, we are innovating by automating traditional clinical tests and creating advanced quantitative tests. These new methods aim to objectively measure the nuances of movement impairments with high precision. This detailed analysis will not only save valuable time but also provide a solid foundation for tailoring personalized intervention strategies, thereby improving patient outcomes and engagement in their own care process.

Automated and Advanced Assessment Techniques

Our objective is to develop an automated, objective method for assessing the movement impairments of individuals with neurological conditions. Not limited to sophisticated motion capture systems, our approach also utilizes accessible devices such as cameras and wearables to record movement. Our research has demonstrated the viability of leveraging clinical insights into critical movements to observe, and creating algorithms capable of quantifying deviations from typical neurological motion patterns.

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Novel digital biomarkers

Our objective is to acquire new insights into the disease-induced alterations in neural mechanisms underlying movement impairment. This research seeks to unravel the complex changes in brain function that result from pathological conditions, thereby advancing our understanding of motor deficits. The ultimate goal is to inform the development of more effective treatments and interventions for those affected by such impairments.