
Biomedical Research Building

NERL is located in the brand new Emily Byrd

Biomedical Research Building on the Health

Sciences campus of WVU. NERL consists of two

rooms - the Motion Capture Lab and the TMS Lab.

MoCap/EMG Lab

The lab has state-of-the-art equipment to record and analyze human movements.

- Motion capture system by PhaseSpace

- Wireless EMG system by Delsys

- High-density EMG systems by Ripple

- Virtual reality system by Unreal and Unity  with Oculus and Vive


The lab has equipment to magnetically and

electrically stimulate the human nervous system.

- Transcranial magnetic stimulator by Magstim

- TMS guiding system by Brainsight

- Electrical stimulator by Digitimer

- Robotic perturbations by Baxter

- Integrated with all motion capture lab equipment