NOD Analytics

Frequently Asked Question

1. Can NOD Analytics answer questions?

Our analytics will give you a tremendous amount of insight into how your product/service/idea is being interpreted and spread through the Twittersphere. Depending on how narrow your question(s) is/are, we can provide you with quantitative data to shed light on the answer.

2. What experience does NOD Analytics have in my scope of practice?

We're very knowledgeable about social media and healthcare. That's because we're not only social media analysts, but also practicing physicians. We blend our experiences in both areas to provide you with granular data and keen interpretations of social media activity.

3. Do people actually use your analytics?

Yup. Visit the Free For Educators section to see the pro-bono analyses we've done in the past.

4. What is the capacity of NOD Analytics?

We can quantify and analyze multiple social media streams simultaneously. And one of our best features is that we can perform granular analyses in realtime. This means that you get realtime answers to your questions with enough time to make modifications (if needed) to your social media activity to reach the eventual desired result.

5. How much do you charge for your analyses?

As of October 2018, all NOD Analytic services are •free• of charge to academicians and social media educators/researchers. The only things we ask are: 1) that you use our analytics for an academic purpose (e.g., Grand Rounds, Regional/National presentation, abstract, manuscript)

2) that you provide proper attribution/acknowledgement

6. What security features are embedded in your algorithms? How can you guarantee the security of personal information?

Our algorithms are proprietary and under (digital) lock-and-key at all times. We designate a small number of individuals (usually one) to collect and mine the data that you want analyzed. This ensures that the data isn't shared or electronically transmitted to unauthorized individuals. We don't "crack" into user accounts and access personal financial or health information.