Starbase 1


I avoided doing a launcher for the longest time cause of how much work would be involved, and certain limitations Basic4Android had (it couldn't host live wallpapers or widgets, both of which it can now)

Operation of this launcher should be similar to the one you currently use, but with a few differences

-Clicking the menu (or : ) button will let you make objects (shortcuts, widgets, toggles, folders, pages, direct-dial contacts, or multiple shortcuts at the same time) or change settings

-Long-clicking an empty spot will let you make an object directly in that spot instead of the workbee

-The only gesture I use is horizontal swiping to scroll through pages. I do not make you drag/drop icons like other launchers

-Long-clicking an icon will let you edit/move/resize/delete it. Long-clicking an empty spot will let you make one in that spot

-After making or while moving an object (except for pages) it is placed in the workbee. Clicking an empty spot will place the object there

-To resize a widget: Clicking outside the widget will expand it in that direction. Clicking inside will contract it. Clicking the divider panel will lock it into place

-Adding a contact does not require, but is made easier if you have the LCARS Dialer. Otherwise you have to type the name and phone number in yourself

-Yes, the divider does waste a lot of space. But that's actually the point of LCARS... I had to do something to emphasize the style, the icons didn't do enough

-If you have the LCARS UI installed, it can be used as a replacement for the keyboard and web browser (for internal pages only)

The app drawer can be accessed by clicking the DOCKING BAY button, or the 2 elbow joints surrounding the dock icons

-This drawer is also used for selecting which app to make shortcut out of

-Clicking a letter on the side will show the apps that start with that letter

-Long-clicking an icon will bring up a menu allowing you to make a shortcut, uninstall or view the info for that app

There is also a toggles panel designed to look like the doorbell panels from TNG/VOY

-Clicking the page divider (aka: The Neutral Zone) when you're not moving/editing an object will bring it up

-Clicking outside the panel or clicking the back button will hide it

-Clicking the COMM badge opens the Android settings screen

-Clicking the top-most button will switch to/from Edit mode

-While in edit mode, clicking the comm badge will swap it for another insignia

-While in edit mode, clicking an existing toggle, or the Add Toggle button will let you edit what the toggle does or delete it

-A toggle has a category (ie: Bluetooth, Wifi, GPS, etc) and an action (ie: toggle, off, on)

Similar to my LCARS UI app, it supports voice recognition (V.REC)

It can be added as a toggle, or by clicking the menu button

Any command can also start with the word "computer", like the show

The following commands are supported:

-disable/enable/deactivate/activate/toggle/turn or switch on/off - wifi/bluetooth/rotation/orientation/location/gps/data/airplane

-play/pause/stop/halt/next/forward/previous/backward (controls your music player)

-lights (toggles your brightness)

Unlike the Dialer, it will not require you to purchase the LCARS UI. But will work better with both

Once you add a widget, you'll need to go to SYS\Widgets in the LCARS UI to set up the widget itself. Clicking a freshly added/un-setup widget will take you there automatically

More info on setting up LCARS UI widgets

Real widgets however have some limitations, as the developer of the API has abandoned B4A:

-Long Clicking doesn't work. You need to use the : settings menu to edit widgets (:, EDIT OBJECTS, WIDGETS)

-Widgets won't refresh after resizing them until you leave the launcher (go to another program), then come back to the launcher

If you find any bugs, please send DETAILED reports of how you did it, and your settings file from (SD or USB storage):\Android\data\com.omnicorp.lcarui.launcher\files\settings.ini

Telling me "it doesn't work", literally tells me nothing. And I can't fix nothing.

Here is my to-do list:

-Keyboard controls[END]