
[START]WARNING: Android will not let you use widgets if the app is installed to the SD Card instead of internal flash.

The widget settings screen has the following options:

Refresh - Click this after making all your changes to update the widgets

Widget ID - Whenever you add a widget in Android, it is assigned an ID number, this option will let you select from any of the widget IDs used by this program

Widget Type - Similar to selecting a different Live Wallpaper screen, you'll be able to select from multiple kinds of widgets (when I have more, that is)

Translucency - Set how opaque the widget will be. 0=invisible, 255=opaque

Resolution - Set the internal resolution to match the external one (not required in Jellybean or later versions of Android)

Update delay - Set how often you'd like to automatically update the widget

Update mode - This has 3 modes, TIME ONLY (updates based only on the UPDATE DELAY setting, though some widgets can set their own delay), SCREEN ON (only update when the screen is on, or turns back on), LCARS LWP (only update with the LCARS Live wallpaper is visible)

Use Federation Holidays - Use holidays of my choosing (ie: Star Trek cast member's birthdays) in the Calendar and Events widgets

Lock stardate format - Lock the stardate mode so it stops switching when you click certain widgets

Your media player - Set which media player to control. If your player is not listed, please email me it's package name


Ignore this setting if you are using Jellybean or higher, or my LCARS Launcher.

A widget has 2 sizes, an internal one which is the size this program draws it at. And an external one, which is the size your launcher draws it at

If these 2 don't match, it results in weird stretching which won't look right. Sadly, Android gives me no method to get the external resolution or I'd just match it exactly

As such, you have to use the resizer to give me the desired internal resolution, trying your best to match the external one, or at least the same aspect ratio.

When you open the resizer, there will be 3 things visible

In the top left corner, a preview for the current widget you are editing

In the top right corner, a text display of the internal resolution

In the bottom right corner, a dpad. Clicking any of the directions will resize the widget in that direction

Clicking the center of it will save your settings and go back to the Widget settings screen

Widget types:

STARDATE - Displays the current stardate

Door PNL - Displays random door signage

Power - Shows the current battery power

*Clock - Shows the time

Calendar - Shows a calendar for the current month

Events - Shows upcoming events for the next 2 weeks

Text - Shows a bunch of data as simple text

1/5 day Weather - Shows the weather forecast for the area you set up in SYS\Weather Settings

GRFX Weather - Same as the previous one, but using graphics to represent the weather

PANEL CLOCK - A simple digital clock in the style of the Door Panel

ROMULAN CLOCK - A binary clock

KLINGON CLOCK - A simple analog clock

MUSIC - Controls your media player, while showing the current track data

REMINDERS - Shows Reminders made with the FNCT\Reminder section or V.REC

Google Now - Identical to the search bar in the Google Now launcher

Sanctuary - The clock from the sanctuary districts in 2024, San Fransisco

Alarms - Shows a list of your next 10 alarms

Photos - Shows a random image from the directories added in SYS\PHOTO WIDGET SETTINGS

Operations - Shows info on the next event within the next 24 hours in your calendar, clicking the widget shows more info

Mondrian - Randomly generates a picture in the style of one of Data's paintings

Itinerary - Shows the events for the next 24 hours, matching the style of a screen from Undiscovered Country

BLANK - Use this to allow this widget ID to be used by the SCIFI UI

Calendar Widget:

Days with your events will show as purple

Days with Federation Holidays (ie: Star Trek cast birthdays) will show as blue if you don't have an event on that day

Clicking this widget will open your default calendar app

Stardate and Events Widget:

Clicking these widgets will toggle which formula is used to calculate the stardate. They both share this setting.


1 = Uses a formula derived from the TV shows (TrekGuide.com)

2 = The regular date system we use now

3 = The old formula I use for backwards compatibility with my PC version

4 = Uses the formula from mode 1, using Star Trek Online's date (now + 400 years)

* = animated widget

I recommend you set UPDATE MODE to LCARS LWP and use the LCARS UI as your Live wallpaper

This will force the widget to only update when the live wallpaper is visible, thus saving battery power

If you don't use the LCARS UI as your wallpaper (why?) then at least set UPDATE MODE to SCREEN ON

This will force the widget to only update while the screen is on