On Bended Knees


Please keep the following in your Prayers:


Please keep the following in your Prayers:


Please keep the following in your Prayers:


Please keep the following in your Prayers:


Please keep the following in your Prayers:


Please keep the following in your Prayers:


Brethren see below from brother David Goodnow:

The bright and shining soul of Fran Goodnow is now at peace with her mom, dad and Brother Jim. No more pain, only peace.

....as of 640pm.

Let's keep them in our prayers 

--Fernando Melo, WM


Please keep Brother David Goodnow and family in your prayers....

"MWB Fernando, my wife is in Tranquility at Cobb Hospice. Best possible place for a final journey. Not much time left. Prayers for her peace are requested. I'll  keep you and the brothers updated. Best to all."  --David

--Fernando Melo, WM








I really miss the brothers, in lodge and at ROMEO. Fact, I'm also going to have to cancel the Master Inquisitor part in the Grand Master's DeMolay Degree next month, for the third year in a row. We still take this covid seriously; two of my former network colleagues have been seriously ill with it and I'm not aware they have had any preexisting conditions. So, Fran and I are still taking no chances. If we have to go into some location, we either don't go at all, receive deliveries, or go very early after opening. Again, she has been diagnosed with a degree of COPD, so we'll celebrate 55 years of marriage this month and are cautious, anticipating 56 years next year.

I hope you and yours are well as well as my fine Brothers. 

Very best fraternally,

Dave Goodnow


Hi, just to let you know, my dad William (Bill) Stephens is moving to Brickmont Memory Care on Dallas Hwy, Marietta.   He is doing good and will receive more care there. You will be able to visit.   Hopefully we can complete the move today.   We are waiting on doctors to sign papers.


Worshipful Brother Jim Gaddy's wife Donna got news today that her cancer was benign. Thanks everyone for your prayers!


Worshipful Brother Mike Pappafotis - took a fall while getting into his car to go to Physical Therapy for a broken shoulder. Wife, Susan tried to help him up, fell and hit her head. She is A-OK and Mike is now taking drugs for back/nerve pain. His expected recovery time is just a few weeks! Please keep them in your prayers.


Worshipful Brother Rick Hallwood's 96 year old father passed peacefully - no pain or suffering at the end - holding his son Rick's hand. He was a loving and kind man - respected and admired. We knew him as a WWII veteran. He served proudly in the 82nd Airborne and the 82nd Honor Guard - greeting General Patton in Berlin after the war. There are no funeral arrangements yet; but he will be cremated. Our most sincere condolences to Rick and his sister Lindsey and her two children. Please keep them in your prayers.


Brother Rusty Cordle has been diagnosed with "DKewiiy" disease (pronounced Dee-Key-We) and is fighting thru it - In and Out of the hospital! This is extremely dangerous so please keep Brother Rusty in your Prayers! The Masonic Dictionary defines DKewiiy is "Don't Know Exactly what It Is Yet". 


Mableton Lodge #171 has spring a leak and will be under repair for awhile. Please welcome these Brethren into your Lodge while they are meeting in other locations. For now, it will be regular meeting nights (2nd and 4th Thursdays) at Nelms Lodge #323 in Smyrna. 


Brother Marcus tested positive for COVID. He is quarantined for five days.


WB Jim Cook has been cleared for surgery on the 16th. He won't be able to text or do emails for a couple of weeks because he is not allowed to read anything during the healing process! His iPhone will read to him though and also write texts via voice - modern Technology, huh! Plus a good old-fashioned phone call might be a pleasant surprise. Please keep Jim and his family in your prayers Brothers!


WB Jim Cook has an age-related detached retina and is in the process of seeing a Cardiologist , a GP, an Ophthalmologist and a retina surgeon to get expert help and approvals for the surgery to repair the problem so that he will hopefully have 80% sight in the bad eye. This will be a long recovery process so he will need our prayers Brothers. More details to come as he is able to get appointments with all the right doctors! 


MWGM Has COVID for the 3rd time. Please continue prayers for him and his family.

WB T Leon Roberts and wife, Jane need our continued prayers.

DDGM John Miller is improving but still needs all the support and prayers we can offer. 

Jason Weldon. 

07/05/2022 Jason's father has had a stroke. This after his mother passing earlier this year. Please continue to offer Prayers for Jason and his family,

David Kilgore.

07/13/2022 David's Son-In-Law is having Open Heart Surgery this morning. Please offer prayers for his recovery and for David's family.

WB Bill Stephens

08/01/2022  Bill is receiving Physical Therapy at Ross Memorial in Kennesaw. His daughter says that he would MUCH appreciate a visit from his Brothers! 


07/02/2022 We met Rebecca and her son Anthony at the Fireworks stand today. She donated to the Masonic Charities and was particularly thankful to the Shriners and Children's Hospitals as Anthony has been treated at both for several years! It was a very touching story of survival and hope. Young Anthony looked and acted like a care-free 10 year old despite his trials. His Mother - not so much. But, she was very grateful to receive our prayers. May God bless you and your family Rebecca.  -Mike, Bill, Randy, Russell  (and now ALL Masons who read this)

FellowCraft Lucas Hopkins

06/19/2022  Lucas tested positive for COVID today. Our prayers are with you!

WB David Kilgore

06/18/2022  David tested positive for COVID today. He has mild symptoms at this point but is taking every precaution possible. Our prayers are with you Brother!

WB Bill Stephens

08/01/2022  Bill is receiving Physical Therapy at Ross Memorial in Kennesaw. His daughter says that he would MUCH appreciate a visit from his Brothers! 

06/18/2022  Daughter Julie reports that Brother Bill is "ready to be out of here"; and as it turns out Kennestone hospital feels the same way about him! The family has decided on Ross Memorial in Kennesaw for Bill's rehab - physical, occupational and memory. That is his next step in recovery and it will happen soon. The family is already searching for a good Assisted Living place as Brother Bill will need assistance in his day-to-day activities. Daughter Julie says "Thank all of Bill's Brothers for their ongoing prayers". Brethren, keep it up! 

06/13/2022 Overall he is looking better!

06/06/2022 Bill is in Kennestone Hospital Green Tower, #420. He was in the E.R. for leg pain on Friday - back again on Saturday and then admitted. He has a detached muscle that goes around his hip - AND - a tear in a muscle and tendons in the groin area. Doctors do not want to do surgery at his age (90) - so they are going to try physical therapy. The meds that he has been receiving have him disoriented. His daughter Julie and her daughter are helping him every way they can. 

Brethren, please pray for Brother Bill and his family - they need our support! And please pass along this info to others. 

WB Jason Weldon 

06/13/2022 Mom passed a week ago last Wed.  Trying to ensure dad is taken care of.  He's doing OK but still has spells of depression. Expected after 52 yrs of marriage.   

05/29/2022 She's on comfort care.  DNR.  no water or food.  No IV.  Just pain meds, Ativan, and oxygen. Me, dad, sis, her husband and son, my aunt and uncle and a bunch of others have come in.  BRETHREN, PLEASE KEEP WB JASON AND FAMILY IN YOUR PRAYERS

05/27/2022 . Really need prayers. Mom went downhill all of a sudden today. Massive brain bleeding. We decided not to operate. They're keeping her comfy. It's any minute or hour now. I'm in AL with her.

06/14/2022 WB Jim Gaddy will be having a surgical procedure on his back to relieve pain. Pray for the good hands of the doctors and nurses! 

05/13/2022 WB Keith Bryant's Mother passed this week. Please keep his family in your prayers.

05/09/2022 Please keep Rusty Cordle and his family in your prayers. His mom had a heart attack on Saturday 05/07) and is still in the hospital. 

04/25/2022 Please keep the following friends and families in your Prayers:

04/22/2022 Brother Thad Mercer was involved in a Motorcycle Accident. He is conscious and alert but pretty beat up. He's in Kennestone. Now Rm 549. He could be in the hospital for about another 3 weeks.  He may have some financial hurdles for a little while until Disability ins kicks in - keep him in your prayers Brothers! 


04/20/2022 Brother David Goodnow says he is excited to return to the Lodge and hopes it will be very soon!

04/20/2022 WB Bill McGloin's wife Katy has shoulder surgery today. He will keep us posted.

04/14/2022 Jerry Henry is getting better but still not home from the hospital. "It has been a week from hell and my main comfort is knowing my brothers are praying for me. Be sure to let them know how I truly feel about my Masonic brothers!"  

04/11/2022 Please keep the following friends and families in your Prayers:

03/28/2022 Please keep the following friends and families in your Prayers:

03/14/2022 Please keep the following friends and families in your Prayers:

03/10/2022  Ruth Leizure, wife of PGM Gary Leizure has passed. Funeral in Augusta. Please keep the family in your prayers.

03/10/2022  PGM Jan Giddens Son is having surgery. More prayers please.

03/10/2022  Chaplain David Kilgore sister, Lorraine is in hospice care and needs our prayers along with David and his family.


Please remember our Brother Jim Cook, his Wife and Family while upon Bended Knee.

It is my sad duty to inform you that WB Jim’s Father-in-Law passed away today. We wish them Peace and Comfort during this difficult time. 

Russell McDaniel, WM


Chris Ryle (our newest EA) father passed. Plans are in process as there are lots of out-of-country relatives making arrangements. Please keep Chris and his family in your prayers.


Rusty Cordle (our Grand Marshall and honorary Nelms member) His Wife fell and broke her arm, then caught pneumonia, then had a 2nd bout of pneumonia. She is now out of the hospital, but needs our prayers for continued recovery! 


Rick Hallwood's Dad went from a hospital to a sub-acute facility and was just declared COVID free! He is doing physical therapy and occupational therapy to get his strength back. 


James Osborne (our Memorial Club president) wife passed away from a sudden heart attack last month. Please keep our beloved Brother in your prayers during this difficult time. 


Jim Gaddy's youngest Sister is homebound with pneumonia in both lungs. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.



Pete is home from the Hospital - we think he escaped!!! 

He is walking on canes and crutches.  He's very tired and getting some well deserved rest.  It will be at least another week or 2 before he is back to 100%. 


From Jeremiah Mitchell. Pete Mitchell is now on fewer sedatives.  He is very responsive and trying to communicate, which is hard when you have a feeding tube in your mouth going down your throat and another in your throat to help you breath. His color has improved and the swelling is just in his hands now.  I got to talk to him a bit today through video chat and he was quiet animated.


From Jeremiah Mitchell.  Some swelling has gone down in Pete's face.  They took him off of Epi yesterday and put him on more sedatives which means he slept well.  He'll be taken off the sedatives today to get him awake and responsive.  He has a temperature of 101 (typical for Dad) but they want to monitor that to make sure there isn't an infection.  Honestly, he had a high temp the last time he went through this.  They are looking at ways now to get nourishment into him and are constantly checking blood sugars.

Overall - "this is a good sign".


Brother Pete Mitchell suffered a severe life-threatening allergic reaction and needed emergency treatment and surgery. He is at Kennestone hospital. Please keep Santa and his family in your prayers! 


Brother Fernando is headed back to Tampa for a Memorial Service for his Mom on Thursday 7/22. The interment will be later on in Brazil. 


Brother Fernando's Mom passed away. Many prayers are needed for the family.


Brother Mike Seden (Meyerhardt Lodge) has started Chemo and needs our prayers for a speedy recovery.


Brother Fernando reports that his mom was re-admitted to the hospital in Tampa and that she is in ICU. She will continue to be in our Prayers! 


WB Johnny Cosby wife is having debilitating migraine headaches. Please keep her (and Johnny) in your prayers. 


WB John Johnson III is having cataract surgery. Prayers are welcomed. 


Good news - doctors are now saying Fernando's Mother may be off the ventilator and possibly going home next week. Amazing! Keep those prayers coming. 


Good morning he is stable but still in the ICU.

They performed a tracheostomy on her yesterday and they are removing sedation and starting wheezing (removal and recovery)

I’m doing OK otherwise thanks for following up brother, you guys have a great day today at the lodge and a blessed week


She is stable, but still intubated. They are going to try to remove the breathing tube today! More prayers needed.


Brother Fernando is headed to Tampa as his Mom is in the hospital. She was intubated. Fernando is with her. Please keep her and the entire family in your prayers.

--WB Jim Moore



Hugh Gilbert Adams, Jr

Age 89, of Atlanta, passed away Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Mr. Adams was the son of Estelle and Hugh Gilbert Adams, Sr. of Smyrna. Mr. Adams graduated from Fitzhugh Lee School 1947 and Georgia State University 1958.


He was a member of the Smyrna First United Methodist Church and a member of the Pearce Matthews Sunday School class. He was a member of the Optimist Club, Nelms Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and Yaarab Shriners.

The family to have a private graveside service. 



Obituary for Travis Floyd Smith, Sr

December 7, 1942 -  May 24, 2021

Travis Floyd Smith, Sr., age 78, of Marietta, Georgia passed away May 24, 2021. Graveside Service will be held at 2:00 pm on Sunday, May 30, 2021 at Mountain View Cemetery in Marietta, GA with Rev. Grant Cole and Pastor Joe Postell officiating. Interment will follow at Mountain View Cemetery in Marietta, Georgia. 

Travis was a native of LaGrange, GA living most of his life in Marietta, GA. Travis was a member of Open Bible Tabernacle Church in Marietta. He worked as a machinist at Lockheed Martin for 56 years and was a proud member of the I. A. M. Local Lodge 709 and was also a member of Nelms Masonic Lodge #323.

The Family stated that they did not want Masonic Last Rites



Bro Jim Gaddy received word that his oldest daughter was admitted to the hospital last night with a blood pressure reading of 187/132. So far the tests indicate that she has not had a heart attack. And the doctors did not find anything other than the high blood pressure at this time. Elissa may go home today! Please keep Bro Jim’s family and daughter, Elissa, in your prayers.


Jim Moore




Just received another call from Bro David Goodnow.  His brother-in-law, James Scott passed today from complications of COVID. Jimmy was 74 years of age and a US Army veteran.  David says that he was a great guy and a good man.  I ask that you lift up this wonderful family in your prayers when on bended knee.


Jim Moore



Just received a call from Bro David Goodnow.  He is requesting prayers for his brother-in-law, James Scott.  His wife’s brother.  James is in intensive care in the hospital in Hendersonville, Tennessee.  He has been diagnosed with COVID, has been placed on a ventilator, and is not doing well.  James, known by friends and family as Jimmy, is 74 years of age and is a US Army veteran.  David says that he is a great guy and a good man.  David asked for Lodge prayers but since we do not meet for four weeks, I thought it best to let the brethren know now so those prayers can start immediately.  I ask that you lift up James Scott in your prayers when on bended knee.


Jim Moore


Prayers for these Brothers and their Families:

Special Prayer for the Rainbow Girls and the family of their Mother Advisor, Tracy Watts, who passed away April 24th. 

I will Remember A Brother Mason

William Roy “Bill” Stephens

November 16, 1931 – August 24, 2023


William Roy Stephens, age 91, of Mableton, Georgia passed away Thursday, August 24, 2023. Funeral Services will be held at 11:00 am on Tuesday, August 29, 2023 at West Cobb Funeral Home and Crematory in Marietta with Pastor Matt Roskind officiating. Interment will follow at Riverview Cemetery in Smyrna.

Born in Natchez, MS, Mr. Stephens lived most of his life in Mableton, GA. He was a veteran of the United States Air Force, having served during the Korean War. William worked at Lockheed for several years. His deceased mother, Eula Stephens, was a riveter at the Bell Bomber Plant in World War II. His father was an electrician. He retired from the Automatic Controls Company after many years of employment. He was also a long-time member of the Masonic Lodges in Mableton and Smyrna. He was preceded in death by his wife, Beverly Ann Stephens.

Survivors include Daughters: Janet Holter and Julie Bates; Son-in-law, Frank Bates; Granddaughter, Stephanie Rowell; Grand Son-in-law Casey Rowell; Grandson, Jason Andersen; Grandson-in-law, Adam Price; Great Granddaughter, Grayce Rowell; Sister-in-law, Sherry Stephens; Two nephews, 2 nieces, many great nieces and great nephews, many great-great nieces and nephews.

The family will receive friends on Monday, August 28, 2023 from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm at West Cobb Funeral Home and Crematory.


Lewis A. Tidmore, Age 87

Louis Alexander Tidmore passed away with family on the morning of Friday, May 13, 2022, at the age of 87 in his son’s home in Erick, OK. 


T. Leon Roberts

03/20/1941 - 11/06/2022

T. Leon Roberts, of Smyrna, Ga. was born on March 20th, 1941 at the old Grady Hospital. He was the only child of Ben and Ellen Roberts. Leon grew up in the Exposition Cotton Mill and was proud to be a Belwegian. He attended O'Keefe High School and graduated from Henry County in 1959.

Leon was a diesel mechanic for Greyhound Bus Lines for 20 years before joining Avis, where he worked on the airport shuttle buses until he had to go on disability at the age of 45.

Leon met Jane at a singles dance in 1986 and have been together ever since. They married in 1997 and they have traveled to all the continental United States, Canada, and were on an Alaskan cruise during 9/11.

One of Leon's proudest accomplishments was his involvement in the Masonic Fraternity. He was a Master Mason and Past Master of Inman, Mableton, and Nelms Lodges. He was district deputy to the Grand Master. He was also the Past High Priest of Smyrna Chapter, Past Illustrious Master of the G. Everett Cox Council, and Past Sovereign Master of the Atlanta Masonic District #313. In addition, Leon was Past Royal Patron to the Amaranth, Present Royal Patron of Fidelity Court #6, and a member of Resaca Court #29. He was also a Past Patron of the Smyrna chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star and present member of the Douglasville chapter.

Leon Roberts is survived by his wife of 25 years, Jane Walker Malcolm, and his stepchildren Mitzi Malcolm Dykes (Derek) of Duluth, GA and Wayne Malcolm of Smyrna. He was the proudest Poppy to his grandchildren, Macy and Prentiss Dykes of Duluth. He is also survived by his brother-in-law, Jimmy Walker (Karen) of Bluffton SC, and Lisa Walker of Pine Mountain, nephew and niece, Mitchell Fowler (Chantal) and Elizabeth Fowler, and very special great nieces, Grace Fowler and Paige Fowler.

He and his famous collards, okra, and Christmas village will be greatly missed. A celebration of life will be held after the holidays.


Quinton Reid Hamby

July 13, 1935 - January 23, 2022 (86 years old)


Quinton Reid HAMBY, age 86, of Marietta, GA passed away on Sunday, January 23, 2022.


A Memorial Service will be held in his honor

on Saturday Feb 12, 2:00 pm

at  Georgia Memorial Park Funeral Home, Winkenhofer Chapel


With Masonic Last Rites

conducted by WB Cabot Rohrer


Carlton Roy Godfrey, Sr, Age 81

February 19, 1940 - September 18, 2021


Carlton Godfrey, Sr. 81, of Kingston, passed away on September 18, 2021 at Piedmont Cartersville Medical Center. Born on February 19, 1940, in Rome, he was the son of the late Fred Godfrey and the late Sarah Godfrey.


He was also preceded in death by his wife, Martha Jo Godfrey; his daughter, Gina Godfrey; his brother, Donald Godfrey; and his sister, June Strickland.


Mr. Godfrey was a 50-year Mason, and was heavily involved. He was a dual member of Nelms Lodge #323 and an active member of Kingston Masonic Lodge #394. He was also a member of Oak Grove United Methodist Church.


Carlton enjoyed spending time with his family, gardening, working in his yard and working in his garage.


Survivors include his children, Carlton Godfrey, Jr. (Genise), Ken Godfrey (Kimberly), Mavea Pruitt (Billy); his grandchildren, Kayla Abernathy (Mark), Kendra Boyer (Ty), Trey Pruitt, Bradley Godfrey, Taylor Worthey (Tyler), Brandee Godfrey, Alexis Godfrey, Courtney Godfrey, Gracen Pruitt; 5 great-grandchildren; his sister, Carolyn White; and several nieces and nephews.


The family will receive friends from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Friday, September 24, 2021 at Jennings Funeral Home prior to the service.


The funeral service will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday September 24, 2021 in the chapel of Jennings Funeral Home with Reverend Mark Strickland and Reverend Ken Cross officiating.


Interment will follow in the mausoleum of Sunset Memory Gardens with full Masonic Rites. The family requests that masks be worn to attend all services of Mr. Godfrey.


In lieu of flowers those desiring may make memorial contributions in Mr. Godfrey’s memory to Kingston Masonic Lodge #394, PO Box 155, Kingston, GA 30145.


Parnick Jennings Funeral Home and Cremation Services is honored to serve the family of Carlton Godfrey, Sr.; please visit www.parnickjenningsfuneral.com to share memories and to post condolence messages.


To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Carlton Roy Godfrey please visit our Tribute Store.