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Dr Neetesh Saxena is an Associate Professor at Cardiff University (CU), United Kingdom (UK) and the Director & Lead of the Cyber and Critical Infrastructure Security (CyCIS) Research Lab. He has extensive research/teaching experience over 18 years. His research focuses on Cyber Security, Cyber-Physical Systems Security (Smart Grid, EVs/CAVs, etc.), Cellular Network Security, and IoT Security. Before joining CU, he was an Assistant Professor at Bournemouth University, UK. Prior to this, he was a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, and with the Department of Computer Science, Stony Brook University, USA and SUNY Korea. He was also a DAAD Scholar at Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology (B-IT), Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany, a TCS Research Scholar, and the GW4 Crucible Future Research Leader. 

Dr Saxena is an IEEE Senior Member and a member of the ACM and Eta Kappa Nu. He has authored 100+ publications (incl. IEEE TIFS, TDSC, TII, TSC; ACM TCPS, TOIT, CSRR; ACM CCS, AsiaCCS, IEEE Euro S&P, IEEE S&P, Usenix, Esorics), and received Two Best Paper Awards. He is a draft committee member for the IEEE Standards (IEEE SA P2784, P1940, P2795, P1912). He is currently Associate Editor for the IET Cyber-Physical System, ACM DTRAP, IEEE Access, Cyber-Physical Systems (T&F), Computer Communications (Elsevier), and SCN (Hindawi). He was the Track Chair of the IEEE SmartGridComm 2022, TEMSCON 2018, and SMC 2018. He has served as the TPC member for 100+ conferences, including ACM CCS, AsiaCCS, IEEE EuroS&P, ICC, Globecom, SmartGridcomm, Infocom, Milcom.

Dr Saxena is currently the Vice Chair - Data Analytics SIG, IEEE UK & Ireland Systems, previously, he also worked as Secretory. He is also the Lead of the Assessment & Feedback at COMSC, Cardiff University, UK. He is the Mentor at the Next Generation Incubation Scheme, Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), Govt. of India. He is also an Academic Advisor Panel Member for the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK.