Smart Home System Security

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Protecting Remote Controlling Apps of Smart-Home-Oriented IOT Devices (

Xenia: Secure and interoperable smart home system with user pattern recognition (

Side channel attacks on smart home systems: A short overview (

Performance Analysis of 6LoWPAN and CoAP for Secure Communications in Smart Homes (

Securing smart home: Technologies, security challenges, and security requirements (

An IoT analysis framework: An investigation of IoT smart cameras' vulnerabilities (

The Insecurity of Home Digital Voice Assistants - Vulnerabilities, Attacks and Countermeasures (

Cyber security of smart homes: Development of a reference architecture for attack surface analysis (

Exploiting known vulnerabilities of a smart thermostat (

Privacy leakages in Smart Home wireless technologies (

Categorisation of security threats for smart home appliances (

Improvements to the Smart Energy Profile security (

How an IoT-enabled “smart refrigerator” can play a clandestine role in perpetuating cyber-crime (

Experimental evaluation of cybersecurity threats to the smart-home (

Security analysis on consumer and industrial IoT devices (

Smart-TV Security Analysis: Practical Experiments (