
The Nano Electronic & Energy Materials (NEEM) laboratory focuses on the design and synthesis of nanostructures into functional form and the development of novel nanodevice architecture to solve critical contemporary problems in industries. The chemical and physical properties of materials can change dramatically at the nanoscale. We aim to study the fundamental science underlying the synthesis of the nanomaterials with novel structures including graphene, nanotubes and nanowires, and to investigate their physical and chemical properties. Our exploration applications include electronics, optoelectronics, energy conversion and storage,nanosensors, and biomedical applications.

Toward these goals, we pursue multidisciplinary approaches to solving open questions in this research.

(1) Nanomaterials Synthesis and Hybrids

(2) Graphene/Nanotube/Nanowire Electronics & Optoelectronics

(3) Energy Nanodevices

(4) Nano Electronics