
Prof. Moon-Ho Ham

Associate Professor

School of Materials Science and Engineering (SMSE)

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

Gwangju, 500-712, Republic of Korea

Email :

Tel: +82-62-715-2321

Fax: +82-62-715-2304

Room 303


2015 - present : Associate Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

2011 - 2015 : Assistant Professor, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

2008 - 2011 : Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2007 - 2008 : Postdoctoral Associate, Yonsei University


2002 - 2007 : Ph.D. in Materials Science & Engineering, Yonsei University

1998 - 2002 : B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering, Yonsei University

Representative publications

10. G.C. Son, S.S. Chee, J.H. Jun, M. Son, S.S. Lee, Y. Choi, S. Jeong,* M.H. Ham,* “Chemically-Functionalized, Well-Dispersed Carbon Nanotubes in Lithium-Doped Zinc Oxide for Low-Cost, High-Performance Thin-Film Transistors”, Small, 12(14) 1859-1865 (2016.04) (contributed equally to this work) (highlighted in (Back Cover).

9. M. Son, J.G. Son, K.J. Moon, B.H. Lee, J.M. Myoung, M.S. Strano, C.A. Ross,* M.H. Ham,* “Sub-10-nm graphene nanoribbon array field-effect transistors fabricated by block copolymer lithography”, Advanced Materials, 25(34) 4723-4728 (2013.09) (contributed equally to this work) (Inside Front Cover).

8. Q.H. Wang, Z. Jin, K.K. Kim, A.J. Hilmer, G.L.C. Paulus, C.J. Shih, M.H. Ham, J. Sanchez-Yamagishi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Kong, P. Jarillo-Herrero, M.S. Strano, “Understanding and controlling the substrate effect on graphene electron-transfer chemistry via reactivity imprint lithography”, Nature Chemistry, 4(9) 724-732 (2012.09).

7. M.H. Ham,* A.A. Boghossian,* J.H. Choi, M.S. Strano, “Biomimetic strategies for solar energy conversion: a technical perspective”, Energy & Environmental Science, 4(10) 3834-3843 (2011.10) (*contributed equally to this work).

6. C.J. Shih, A. Vijayaraghavan, R. Krishnan, R. Sharma, J.H. Han, M.H. Ham, Z. Jin, S. Lin, G.L.C. Paulus, N.F. Reuel, Q.H. Wang, D. Blankschtein, M.S. Strano, “Bi- and trilayer graphene solutions”, Nature Nanotechnology, 6(7) 439-445 (2011.07).

5. X. Dang, H. Yi, M.H. Ham, J. Qi, D.S. Yun, R. Ladewski, M.S. Strano, P.T. Hammond, A.M. Belcher, “Virus-templated self-assembled single-walled carbon nanotubes for highly efficient electron collection in photovoltaic devices”, Nature Nanotechnology, 6(6) 377-384 (2011.06).

4. M.H. Ham,* J.H. Choi,* A.A. Boghossian,* E.S. Jeng, R.A. Graff, D.A. Heller, A.C. Chang, A.Mattis, T.H. Bayburt, Y.V. Grinkova, A.S. Zeiger, K.J. Van Vliet, E.K. Hobbie, S.G. Sligar, C.A. Wraight, M.S. Strano, “Photoelectrochemical complexes for solar energy conversion that chemically and autonomously regenerate”, Nature Chemistry, 2(11) 929-936 (2010.11) (*contributed equally to this work).

3. M.H. Ham, G.L.C. Paulus, C.Y. Lee, C. Song, K. Kalantar-zadeh, W. Choi, J.H. Han, M.S. Strano, “Evidence for high-efficiency exciton dissociation at polymer/single-walled carbon nanotube interfaces in planar nano-heterojunction photovoltaics”, ACS Nano, 4(10) 6251-6259 (2010.10).

2. J.H. Han, G.L.C. Paulus, R. Maruyama, D.A. Heller, W.J. Kim, P.W. Barone, C.Y. Lee, J.H. Choi, M.H. Ham, C. Song, C. Fantini, M.S. Strano, “Exitonic antennas and concentrators from core-shell and corrugated carbon nanotube filaments of homogeneous composition”, Nature Materials, 9(10) 833-839 (2010.10).

1. M.H. Ham, B.S. Kong, W.J. Kim, H.T. Jung, M.S. Strano, “Unusually large Franz-Keldysh oscillations at ultraviolet wavelengths in single-walled carbon nanotubes”, Physical Review Letters, 102(4) 047402 (2009.01).