Working papers

Working papers

Selaya, P., Leyaro, V. and Trifković, N. (2023). Gender altruism and attitudes towards violence against women, DERG working paper series, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics, Development Economics Research Group (DERG)

Aïhounton, G., Henningsen, and Trifković, N. (2021). Pesticide handling and human health: Conventional and organic cotton farming in Benin, IFRO Working Paper 2021/06, University of Copenhagen, Department of Food and Resource Economics 

Falco, P., Gioia, F. and Trifković, N. (2021). How good are manufacturing jobs in Myanmar? Evidence from matched employer-employee data. UNU- WIDER Working Paper 90/2021 

Hansen, H., Rand, J., and Trifković, N. (2021). Traditional and modern employee benefits in Myanmar’s manufacturing sector, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 41/2021 

Hansen, H., Rand, J., Tarp, F. and Trifković, N. (2019). Managerial attributes and enterprise access to formal credit in Myanmar, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 20/2019 

Rand, J., Rodriguez, P., Tarp, F. and Trifković, N. (2019). The governance of global value chains, the state, and small businesses: The case of timber in Myanmar, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 78/2019 

Rand, J., Rodriguez, P., Tarp, F. and Trifković, N. (2019). Key behavioural characteristics of small-business owners: A lab-in-the-field experiment in Myanmar, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 79/2019 

Rand, J., Tarp, F., Trifković, N. and Zille, H. (2019). Industrial agglomeration in Myanmar, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 3/2019

Jones, E.S., Sohnesen, T.P. and Trifković, N. (2018). The evolution of private returns to education during post-conflict transformation: Evidence from Mozambique, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 143/2018

Trifković, N. (2018). Certification and business risk, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 80/2018

Leyaro, V., Selaya, P. and Trifković, N. (2017). Fishermen’s wives: On the cultural origins of violence against women, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 205/2017

Brandt, K., Rutasitara, L., Selejio, O. and Trifković, N. (2017). Entrepreneurship and human capital development in children, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 198/2017

Newman, C., Rand, J., Tarp, F. and Trifković, N. (2016). Corporate social responsibility in a competitive business environment, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 7/2016

Trifković, N. (2016). Private standards and labor productivity in the food sector in Vietnam, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 163/2016

Bjerge, B., Torm, N. and Trifković, N. (2016). Gender matters: Private sector training in Vietnamese SMEs, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 149/2016