
I contribute to the following projects:

Climate Change Mitigation in Agroforest Landscapes through Sustainable Sourcing Policies (CAFSUS) 

Focusing on the recently issued EU deforestation regulation (EUDR), this project examines its implications for landscape cover, household livelihoods, value chain structures, and systems of global environmental governance. The project uses advanced social and data science methods, high-resolution satellite and primary data from the Vietnamese coffee sector. The project is funded by Danida (24-M07-KU) and implemented jointly with colleagues from the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management at University of Copenhagen, University of Sydney, National Economics University in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and Development and Policies Research Center. More details are available here. Photo: Pham Ngoc.

CliFT: Climate-smart Futures in Rural Tanzania (2023-2028)

The project focuses on the role of farmer organizations and women leadership in improving adaptation to climate change among horticultural producers in Tanzania. The project is funded by Danida (23-04-KU) and implemented jointly with colleagues from the Department of Food and Resource Economics (PI Arne Henningsen), Technical University of Denmark and Mzumbe University with the support from Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA), and Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Africa (SANREM) Tanzania. More details are available here.

Agriculture in Mozambique 2023

With Francesca Gioia, Giulia Barletta and Sam Jones, I analyze performance of small-scale farmers in Mozambique.

Mozambican manufacturing firms 2022 

Within the Inclusive growth in Mozambique (IGM) project, I examine the benefits and constraints of the business environment in which private small and medium enterprises operate. Jointly with Hanna Berkel (UNU-WIDER), I analyze institutional constraints of doing business for female entrepreneurs. 

REintegration through Active Labour Market Reforms (REALM), Myanmar (2019-2021)

The project aims to measure the impact of labour market reforms in Myanmar. The project is funded by Danida (18-M08-KU). Together with Henrik Hansen (University of Copenhagen), John Rand (PI, University of Copenhagen) and Kanay S. De (CESD Myanmar), I analyze wage returns to workplace training. More information about the project is available here.

Towards inclusive development in Myanmar (2016-2021)

The project is focused on examining the dynamics and constraints of the private manufacturing sector. Together with Finn Tarp (University of Copenhagen), John Rand (University of Copenhagen) and Helge Zille (DEval), I analyze the benefits of industrial agglomeration. More information about the project is available here.

Growth and development research project (GDRP) in Tanzania (2016-2022)

Together with Pablo Selaya (University of Copenhagen) and Vincent Leyaro (University of Dar es Salaam), I investigate social norms and attitudes about violence against women. More information about the project is available here

Structural transformation and inclusive growth in Vietnam (2013-2017)

The project is focused on economic transformation and sustainable development. More information is available here

Within this project, I investigate benefits of international management standards for private small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam, both in terms of productivity and working conditions. Together with Carol Newman (Trinity College Dublin), John Rand (University of Copenhagen) and Finn Tarp (University of Copenhagen), I analyze the drivers of corporate social responsibility among private enterprises in Vietnam. Together with Elisa Calza (European Commission) and Micheline Goedhuys (UNU-MERIT), I analyze the role of management standards and innovation in driving firm growth. 

Food standards and vertical coordination in the pangasius sector in Vietnam (2011-2014)

Within the project AGROPOP, my PhD thesis analyzed the effects of food standards and vertical coordination for pangasius farmers in Vietnam. The data collection took place in three provinces in Mekong River Delta: Can Tho, Dong Thap and An Giang.

I analyzed how certified standards affect pangasius farmers' wellbeing and how various forms of vertical coordination affect farm performance and farmer wellbeing, comparing the gains from contracts and full vertical integration. I also analyzed the drivers of certified standards and vertical coordination mechanisms in the sector.

None of the work would have been possible without Henrik Hansen's supervision and the help from Ydun Donahoe, Le Dang Trung, numerous colleagues at Can Tho University and numerous interview respondents.