Welcome to the
North East Citizens Action Association
City Convenience, Suburban Style
Welcome! North East Citizens Action Association (NECAA) welcomes all residents, long-term or brand new to our northeast Grand Rapids community! NECAA is a local, volunteer-based neighborhood association that is well-established, invested, and active in advocating for our thriving neighborhoods.
Are you interested in seeing neighborhood improvements to northeast Grand Rapids that will increase your property values? Our growing community continually attracts new residents and visitors to the area's many amenities. Do you consider improving and conserving green spaces, traffic flow, walkability, safety, and investing in neighborhood pride to be important? Does our business district need development? Would you like to protect large open spaces and wetlands, or do you look for more development opportunities in our area?
These are just a few things we're talking about as a neighborhood association. All are welcome to engage, learn, and share at our monthly meetings.
NECAA board meetings are generally held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Yankee Clipper Library or the Life EMS Innovation and Education Center on Fuller (just south of Leonard). This flexible schedule is subject to change, so please check our calendar or Facebook page for exact dates. All board meetings are open to the public and often feature new and exciting business. We encourage citizens to attend!
Connect With Us!
Email Us: NECAAgr@gmail.com
Considering donating to NECAA? You can find us on Venmo by clicking on the link to our Venmo profile or searching @NECAAGrandRapids.