
Final Step

Please add the below files into a zip folder, name the archive:

DO NOT USE any other archive types (7zip, rar...) except standard Windows zip archiver!

    1. Copper Top Layer, (*.GTL)..... Please export the gerber file from your design,otherwise it will not work.
    2. Copper Bottom Layer,(*.GBL).....Please export the gerber file from your design,otherwise it will not work.
    3. Drill (*.TXT)-----Make sure the drill size are in Metric and be available as mentioned.
    4. Board Outline(*.GM1)----

5. Team Info (*.TXT)----Save a text file of who is in your group, your adviser, Team Number and Project, special requirements (material, internal routing, rubout, cover with tin):

Example: SD0001 Maassel Artificial Brain John Smith, Alex Diakonov, and Aduntan Abedayo Material Type: FR4; rubout around U4

Please don't send *.CAM files

Check it before you send:

Your design has to pass DRC with the following parameters:

Min. track width at least: try 0.25mm if not possible then use 0.2mm

Min. track clearance at least: try 0.25mm if not possible then use 0.2mm

Min. copper ring (via/TH pad): 0.2mm (7.9 mils)

Try not to use holes larger than 3.0 mm. If you need a larger hole (usually for mounting), use smaller size like 1.5mm, and then use general drilling machine to extend the hole to size you need.

Then email the archive as an attachment to

Expect about 5 days turn around time after submitting files!

Please check the status PCB Progress & Completed. All COMPLETED boards will be in the box outside the Jeff office 203.

PS: If you didn't get your PCB, please contact me directly at