PCB Fabrication

In-House Fabrication


    • 25 mil (0.635 mm) spacing and trace width
    • 27.6 - 39.4 mil (0.7-1.5 mm) drill size in increments of 1.475 mils (0.1 mm)
    • 25 mil (0.635 mm) annular ring (pad ring size)
  • We use an LPKF ProtoMat S62 to mill the boards
  • 2 layer board only
  • No solder mask
  • Maximum dimension 8 in, maximum area 60 in2

Out-of-House Fabrication

    • Best for boards ≤ 10 in2 or if you need 10+ copies of a board
    • Has file extension requirements
      • *.GBT - Top Layer
      • *.GBL - Bottom Layer
      • *.GKO - Board Outline
      • More
    • Designspark Specific Help for Oshpark
    • 2 layer board - $5 per square inch
      • Minimum Specs
        • 6 mil (0.15 mm) spacing and trace width
        • 13 mil (0.33 mm) drills
        • 7 mil (0.18 mm) annular ring (pad ring size)
    • 4 layer board - $10 per square inch
      • Minimum Specs
        • 5 mil (0.13 mm) spacing and trace width
        • 10 mil (0.25 mm) drills
        • 4 mil (0.10 mm) annular ring (pad ring size)
    • Get 3 copies of each board per order (for no extra charge)
    • Purple Solder Mask
    • If you want 10+ copies of a PCB, use their medium size order
      • $1 per square inch for 2 layer board
      • $2 per square inch for 4 layer board
    • Ships in less than 2 weeks

OSHPark Board

OSHPark Board
Image thanks to: RobotRoom

LPKF Example Board

LPKF Example Board
Image thanks to: d.e.l.o.g

    • Best for boards > 10 in2
    • 2 layer board - $33 for first board, with shipping ~$53
      • Maximum Size 60 sq. inches
      • Minimum Specs
        • 6 mil (0.15 mm) spacing and trace width
        • 15 mil (0.33 mm) drills
        • No slots, cutouts, etc
    • 4 layer board - $66 for first board, with shipping ~$86
      • Maximum Size 30 sq. inches
      • Minimum Specs
        • 6 mil (0.15 mm) spacing and trace width
        • 15 mil (0.33 mm) drills
        • No slots, cutouts, etc
    • Green Solder Mask
    • Arrives in 12 days

Advanced Circuits Board

Image thanks to: Meoworkshop