Shawn "The Hat Man " Ellwood Jr.

Type of Sax: Alto Sax Major:  FTT (Forgot The Talent)

Dorm: Knott Hall (#HYKH)

Hometown: Niles, OH

Favorite Color: Navy or green

Favorite Movie: Rudy

Favorite Song: "Bat Out of Hell" by Meat Loaf

Favorite Part of the Saxophone: Key guard

Favorite Performance: Toledo 2021 (first game ever in ND Band) 

Never Have I Ever: Eaten sushi (and I never will, so don't bother trying) 

Fun Fact: At Band Camp my junior year of high school, a group of me and my friends did the Macarena dance for 34:25 to various songs without stopping 

I'm bound to unintentionally piss off everyone in some way no matter what I do and I know it.

Animal I Most Identify With: Panda