Caitlin "With a C and an I" Cunningham

Type of Sax: Tenor Sax Major: Neuroscience, minors in Data Science and Health, Humanities, & Society

Dorm: Farley Hall

Hometown: Columbus, OH

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Movie: Home Alone 2 and Ocean's 11 (or basically just movies containing very intricate plans that come together in a satisfying way) 

Favorite Song: " The Great War" - Taylor Swift, "Silk Chiffon" - Muna, "There It Goes" - Maisie Peters

Favorite Part of the Saxophone: High D Palm Key

Favorite Performance: 2020 Clemson Game

Never Have I Ever: Gotten over my jet lag 

Fun Fact: I've lived in 6 states and 2 countries! 

I'm a terrible procrastinator and I know it.

Animal I Most Identify With: Red Panda