Post date: Jul 27, 2015 5:06:45 AM

Title: Mobile Advertising Platform Based on Campus Wireless Network

Team members: Chin-Lin Hsu, Chia-Hui Chang

The rapid growth of the mobile devices in recent years has made the demand for wireless network more important. Although the 4G broadband communication technology has been deployed, the cost of personal mobile communications has made young generations to look for free wireless hotspots such as state-owned iTaiwan, TPE-Free, iToayuan hotspots as well as the TANETROAMING system provided by MOE via campus wireless WiFi. These wifi hotspots are the infrastructure for building a future mobile market. However, the sudden increase in the number of people using smart phones to access the campus WiFi has made it relatively difficult to log on to campus networks and visitors who do not have TANET accounts cannot use campus networks. On the other hand, providing free WiFi access could not last for long as the expenditure costs could not be self-sustained. In order to solve this problem, we have developed a new type of wireless network visitor system that allows users to gain access to the Internet through the application of the mobile phone. At the same time, with the push of messages and the sending of news, the free mobile communication service has reasonable business model. Users do not need to enter account passwords or registration procedures for document registration. Instead, they use the application program to read the serial number of the SIM card of the mobile phone as a security control to ensure that users can be recorded and receive push messages. In this way, O2O (Online to Offline) offline consumption will be promoted to promote mutually beneficial action market. In a word, we provide user-friendly wireless network services in combination with message push. Users do not need to go through the tedious log-in process and just download the NCUFree APP to use the wireless network at the alliance store.

計畫背景:近年來智慧型手持裝置產業成長相當的快速,使得行動通訊的需求益發重要。雖然4G寬頻已然開台,然而個人行動通訊費用的增加,使得大部份年輕族群的使用者都會設法尋找免費的無線網路熱點。考慮未來行動市場所能帶來的經濟效益,因此全台國營事業單位所提供的iTaiwan熱點、各縣市政府廣設的無線網路基地台,以及教育部聯合各校園無線WiFi所提供的TANETROAMING,都是希望將無線WiFi所提供的行動通訊視為公共基礎建設,鋪設未來的行動市場。然而全台校園內使用手機上網的人數的俱然驟增,使得校園網路登入變得相對困難;同時對於沒有TANET帳號的校園訪客而言,也無法使用校園網路。另一方面,提供免費上網可能導致資源的浮用,更大的困難是,支出成本沒有相對應的回饋,終難長久支持。為解決此一問題,我們開發新型態的無線網路訪客系統,讓使用者得以透過手機的應用程式取得上網權限,同時配合訊息的推播逹到消息的發送的目的,讓免費行動 通訊有合理的營運模式。使用者不需要傳統輸入帳號密碼或是持證件登記的登入手續,而是利用應用程式讀取手機SIM卡序號做為安全性控管,確保使用者能夠被 記錄,並且收到訊息的推播,藉以帶動O2O (Online to Offline)離線消費,促進雙方互利的行動市場。綜合言之,我們結合訊息推播來提供使用者便利的無線網路服務,使用者無需繁瑣的登入流程,僅需下載 NCUFree APP即可在結盟的店家使用無線網路。

NCUFree Poster


本計畫由教育部推廣4G創新應用服務所贊助,為資工系WIDM實驗室所開發。本計畫提供具有SIM卡的裝置或中大計中帳號(其他系統iTaiwan或TANetRomaing帳號請連線NCUWL)的使用者,透過NCUFree APP登入使用,希望可提供校園訪客及校內生師快速連線無線網路。