
張嘉惠 教授 兼校務研究辦公室主任

張嘉惠博士是國立中央大學的教授暨校務研究辦公室主任。她的研究興趣包括自然語言理解、聊天機器人的創建、人工智慧以及機器學習在教育、法律、GPS、人機互動等領域的應用。張教授自2024年起擔任國科會工程處智慧計算學門召集人。張博士曾在WWW、PAKDD、WISE以及TKDE、IEEE Intelligent Systems等權威期刊發表論文,並在2022年被選為斯坦福大學全球前2%科學家(職業生涯影響力)(1960-2022)。她積極參與組織其領域的重要會議,包括擔任AACL 2022/ACML 2010的本地主席、ROCLING 2021和TAAI 2020的大會主席、ACL 2017和NAACL 2018的領域共同主席,以及ICDE、CIKM、PAKDD、AAAI、ICTIR等會議的議程委員。她曾於2020-2021年擔任中華民國人工智慧學會(TAAI)理事長,2019-2021年擔任中華民國計算語言學學會(ACLCLP)理事長。

Chia-Hui Chang Professor/Director of Institutional Research Center

Dr. Chia-Hui Chang is a full Professor at National Central University, Taiwan. Her research interests include natural language understanding, chatbot construction, AI in education, and machine learning applications in GPS, HCI etc. She has served as the convenor of the Intelligent Computing Department of the National Science and Technology Council in Taiwan since 2024.  Dr. Chang has published over 80 papers at refereed conferences and journals, including WWW, PAKDD, TKDE, IEEE Intelligent Systems, etc. and was elected as one of Stanford's Top 2% Scientists (Career Impact) (1960-2022) in 2022.  She is actively involved in organizing major conferences in her field, including serving as local chair for AACL 2022/ACML 2010, General Chair for ROCLING 2021 and TAAI 2020,  area co-chair for ACL 2017 and NAACL 2018 and PC member for ICDE, CIKM, PAKDD, AAAI, ICTIR, etc. She served as the President of the Taiwan Association for Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) from 2020-2020 and the President of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP) from 2019-2021.