Call for Papers

Contributed papers on all physics and astronomy teaching topics are encouraged. Papers are 15 minutes in length including three minutes for questions.

Rules and Preparation Guidelines

  1. Who may submit an abstract — The privilege of contributing papers is restricted to:
    • NCS-AAPT, AAPT, and SPS members in good standing;
    • Non-members whose completed membership applications and payments for the first year's dues are submitted before the appropriate deadline;
    • Non-members whose abstracts are sponsored by members. These abstracts must include a footnote with the statement: "Sponsored by (member's name)."
  2. Time — Contributed papers are 15 minutes in duration, including three minutes for questions.
  3. Deadline — Abstracts must arrive by the submission deadline of _______, 2012.
  4. Multiple papers — You may present one oral paper at this meeting.
  5. Format of Abstract Submission: Title, Presenter(s), Affiliation, Address, Phone & FAX numbers, and e-mail address.
  6. Abstract and Title Length —Abstracts must be less than 150 words. The program chair reserves the right to edit abstracts, if necessary, for clarity, grammar, or good usage. Abstracts above the 150-word limit will be edited. Titles of abstracts are limited to 10 words.
  7. Poster session — Authors presenting in poster format rather than the usual speaking format will be given a 4'x4' display space in the scheduled poster session at which you will need to be present. We recommend that you bring your own display that will sit on 6’ tables. Some easels will be available. We recommend that you bring your own display that will sit on 6’ tables. Some easels will be available. All posters must be set up in the time allotted before the session. Audiovisual equipment to individual posters will not be provided. If needed, you may have access to one standard electrical outlet should you need it. When you register your poster, please be sure to note this need.
  8. Policy — In accordance with the AAPT Constitution and policy, authors are requested to be sensitive to, and show respect for, ethnic, cultural, religious, and gender diversity. For example, you should not use language that suggests that physicists are exclusively male. Additionally, AAPT's official measurement system is the International System of Units (SI). We recommend that our members and those writing for our publications make every effort to use the SI system exclusively.

Please submit titles and abstracts for talks, posters, or workshops with the online form.

(For the Spring 2012 meeting, you can also send abstracts via post to John Hubisz, Secretary-Treasurer, NCS-AAPT, 441 Democracy Pl, Apex, NC 27523-6753.)