Triangle MTC

The Triangle Math Teachers’ Circle (click here) is an initiative hosted by the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University. It welcomes anybody interested in the teaching profession, at any level, with an interest in learning and practicing the pedagogical approaches of math circles as they pertain to creative problem-solving. This project collaborates with the Chapel Hill Math Circle and is a member organization of the Math Teachers’ Circle Network and the North Carolina Network of Math Teachers’ Circles.

What is a Math Teachers’ Circle? We come together to solve rich mathematics problems in a community.

Why should you come to one of our meetings?

Workshops for 2022 -23

Who: Ben Orlin, author of Math with Bad Drawings and Math Games with Bad Drawings ( )

When: Tuesday September 20, 6:30-8:30 online

How to register: 

We will play some of the games from the book, do some joyful math, and maybe learn some things to bring back to our classroom.

Who: Julie Barnes and Robin Anderson

What: Math Escape Room and Building Math Classrooms

Where: SAS Hall, NCSU, Raleigh NC

When: Saturday October 22, 9-3 PM. Includes lunch!

Get some mathematical adrenaline to take into the rest of Fall semester. 

For more info, contact: :

Join our mailing list here.

Workshops for 2020 -21

Dates and Times are subject to change.  Check our home page for the most up to date information and to register.

Saturday September 12, 10AM-Noon  Sprouts workshop. Pullen park shelter #3.  3-4:30 online (register to get the invitation to the meeting).      Registration: and

Workshops for 2019-20 

Dates and Times are subject to change.  Check our home page for the most up to date information and to register.

Friday/Saturday Sept. 13/14: Why Not 10,000 Math Facts? Eric O'Brien will be in Durham as the featured presenter in the workshop. 

Saturday October 12, 3-5 PM. Zombies and Mazes!   Location TBA, somewhere in northern Wake County.  Led by Kim Johnson.

Saturday November 16, 3-5 PM.Mathematical Magic.  Led by Tom Keeler at the Chapel Hill Library.

Saturday January 11, 3-5 PM.  Art+Math. At the Nasher Art Museum in Durham.  

Saturday, February 1 . A full day workshop at  NCSU.  

    For photos from the workshop, click here.

Saturday March 14, 3-5 PM. Pi Day!  Chapel Hill Library.   Leader TBA.

Saturday April 18, 3-5 PM.  Taxicab Math. Meredith College, Raleigh.  Led by Julie Kolb.

Workshops for 2018-19

Saturday, September 29th, 2018: 10-12, Chapel Hill Library Mark McCombs, Origami

Mark McCombs . 10-12, Chapel Hill Public Library  Origami and mathematics.  Mark has been teaching at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for nearly 30 years. He has led students in origami at the Julia Robinson math festival as well as leading teachers at conference

October 13, 10-12, NC Art Museum lobby, Maria Droujkova, Math Scavenger hunt

 November 10, 10-12, location TBA (possibly UNC campus, possibly the Student lounge, possibly a coffee shop =) Jack Snoeyink, mathematical magic

January 19, 10-12, Earth Fare, Brierdale shopping center, Raleigh. “The Watermelon Problem: Slicing and dicing with lines and planes” with Dr. Linda Green.

February 16, 10-12, Hunt Library, NCSU.  “The Very Large (but not infinite) Library of Babel” with Dr. Kim Johnson.

March 16, 10-12, Chapel Hill Library.  “The Turing Tumble”, with Tom Keeler.

April 13, 10-12, SAS Hall, NCSU.  “Medical Imaging and other real life uses for mathematics” with Dr. Arvind Krishna Saibaba.

For more info, contact:   


Join our mailing list here.

The Triangle Math Teachers’ Circle is an initiative hosted by the Department of Mathematics at North Carolina State University. It welcomes anybody interested in the teaching profession, at any level, with an interest in learning and practicing the pedagogical approaches of math circles as they pertain to creative problem-solving. This project collaborates with the Chapel Hill Math Circle and is a member organization of the Math Teachers’ Circle Network and the North Carolina Network of Math Teachers’ Circles.

Remember to like us on Facebook and watch our YouTube series!



Past Workshops: 2017-18

For more information, please contact: Kim Johnson

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