GREETINGS! I would like to invite you to take advantage of an exciting karate program.

Why karate?

Shotokan Karate-Do, the way of the empty hand, is a martial art that has enhanced many lives. The practitioners benefit from the discipline required to maintain while training. The experience of our karate program promotes mental, physical and spiritual health.

The Way Shotokan Karate-Do LLC Program will provide instructions for both children and adults. The purpose of OUR program is to supplement the standards and principles of the traditional family in our country founded on Biblical Principles.

We encourage our students to believe they are a vital part of their family, their community and to reach his/her full potential. Our goal is to be the best possible resource to enhance the lives of our students.

The program will consistently evaluate the needs of each student and the community, and tailor its programs to respond to those areas identified. A major interest of the THE WAY will be to attract and service children who are orphaned, in foster care, at-risk, and diagnosed with ADHD/ADD.

You can expect to experience the following as a result of earnestly participating in our program and adhering to a code of conduct that promotes and stimulates growth:

Sense of family Respect Loyalty Devotion Focus Control Balance Memory Discipline Fitness

Coordination Team work Sportsmanship Restraint Honor Belonging Confidence