Members and listserv

An official list of the NCERA-210 members is available on the NIMSS website:

NCERA-210 Cooperative List of Participants on the NIMSS Website

To officially join the group on the NIMSS website as a participant in the project, you will need to complete an appendix E on NIMSS and contact the Experiment Station of your university.


NCERA-210 uses Google Groups to manage our email listserv. Here is more information on how to subscribe, unsubscribe and post to our email list.

To subscribe to this group, send email to:

When you get an email back asking you to confirm your subscription, please simply reply to this email (don't press "Join this Group" since it will ask you for your Gmail account).

To post to this group, send email to

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

Visit this group discussion board and view previous emails sent at