
Exclusive research positions are offered to graduate students and postdocs in discrete and computational geometry.

The successful candidates are expected to join my 5-year ERC Starting Grant Project 'Combinatorial Aspects of Computational Geometry' (CombiCompGeom), and enjoy a competitive salary/fellowship plus extensive travel allowance to support research visits to international conferences and other major centers, both in US and Europe.

The prime topics include (but are not restricted to) combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of geometric intersection graphs and hypergraphs, geometric transversals, and Voronoi diagrams

 Several international workshops will take place in the framework of this project, and distinguished researchers will be hosted.

Ben-Gurion University of The Negev is located near the southern capital of Israel, Beer-Sheva. 

The campus is connected by a direct rail line to Tel Aviv (ca. 1 hour commute). 

Hence, staying in Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area is a distinct possibility!

Apart from the PI, BGU has a substantial group working on Discrete and 

Computational Geometry, including Matya Katz, Shakhar Smorodinsky, and Paz Carmi, 

and a lot more researchers can be found in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Applications should be emailed to rubinnat.ac (AT Google Mail).