
My research

focuses on the fundamentals ofCombinatorial and ComputationalGeometry.


Read  more about my work and visit mypublications page!

Multiple student/postdoc positions available!


SODA 2018 SoCG 2022 SODA 2024

News and events: 

An in higher dimensions! (2021)

 A new bound for weak Epsilon-nets in the plane

January 27-31, 2019: 2nd ERC Workshop 'Adventures in Combinatorial Geometry'

March 18-22, 2018: ERC Workshop 'Geometric Transversals and Epsilon Nets'

August 2017: A Crossing Lemma for Jordan Curves

July 2015: Solution of

The Richter-Thomassen Conjecture

for pairwise intersecting Jordan curves 

October 2013:  My paper 

'On Kinetic Delaunay Triangulations:  A Near Quadratic Bound for Unit Speed Motions' co-wins 

Best Paper Award at FOCS '13.

About me:  My CV

Since October 2014 I am a faculty member at the Computer Science Department of Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheba, Israel

I completed my Ph.D. 

in Tel Aviv University in 2012 

under the supervision of 

Prof. Haim Kaplan and 

Prof. Micha Sharir