Blockchain Technology


Introduction to Blockchain technology, basic ideas behind Blockchain, how it is changing the landscape of digitalization, introduction to cryptographic concepts required, Hashing, public-key cryptosystems, private vs public Blockchain and use cases, Hash Puzzles, Introduction to Bitcoin Blockchain and scripts, Use cases of Bitcoin Blockchain, Downside of Bitcoin, block mining. Alternative coins – Ethereum and Smart Contracts. The real need for mining and consensus, Byzantine Generals Problem, and Consensus as a distributed coordination problem, private and permissioned Blockchains, Introduction to Hyperledger and Corda, Uses of Blockchain in E-Governance, Land Registration, Medical Information Systems, and others

Learning Outcomes

    • Present Blockchain concepts clearly and persuasively.

    • Explain how Blockchain powers applications like bitcoin and other token-based initiatives.

    • Analyze the incentives and game theory underpinning Bitcoin.

    • Discuss the opportunities and challenges relating to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies.

    • Demonstrate knowledge of key trends and developments related to finance.

    • Develop Blockchain-based applications using Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric