"Our civilization runs on software"

~ Bjarne Stroustrup, "Software development for infrastructure," IEEE Computer, January 2012, pp. 47-58.

My papers, loosely classified according to the main research question, are below. By clicking the [PDF] signs you can download the papers.

Software Development

(often in a global context)

What is the effect of work dispersion on project performance?

“Work Dispersion, Process-Based Learning, and Offshore Software Development Performance,” Narayan Ramasubbu, Sunil Mithas, M. S. Krishnan, and Chris Kemerer, MIS Quarterly, 32, 2, pp. 437-458. [PDF]

“Globally Distributed Software Development Project Performance: An Empirical Analysis,” Narayan Ramasubbu and Rajesh Krishna Balan, 6th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), Dubrovnik, Croatia. [PDF]

!!This paper won the 2007 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award!!

How to configure globally distributed teams?

“Configuring Global Software Teams: A multi-company Analysis of Productivity, Quality, and Profits”, Narayan Ramasubbu, Marcelo Cataldo, Rajesh Balan, Jim Herbsleb, 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering, Waikiki, Hawaii, USA. [PDF]

!!This paper won the 2011 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award!!

What processes to invest in for better performance?

“Software Process Diversity: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Analysis of Impact on Project Performance," Narayan Ramasubbu, Anandhi Bharadwaj, and Giri Kumar Tayi, MIS Quarterly, 2015, forthcoming. [PDF]

“The Impact of Process Choice in High Maturity Environments: An Empirical Analysis,” Narayan Ramasubbu and Rajesh Krishna Balan, 31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Vancouver, Canada. [PDF]

“Leveraging Global Resources: A Distributed Process Maturity Framework for Software Product Development,” by Narayan Ramasubbu, M. S. Krishnan, and Prasad Kompalli, IEEE Software, 22, 3, pp. 80-86. [PDF]

"Overcoming the Challenges in Cost Estimation for Distributed Software Projects," Narayan Ramasubbu and Rajesh Krishna Balan, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012 [PDF]

“Work Dispersion, Process-Based Learning, and Offshore Software Development Performance,” Narayan Ramasubbu, Sunil Mithas, M. S. Krishnan, and Chris Kemerer, MIS Quarterly, 32, 2, pp. 437-458. [PDF]

Insights on Governing Software Processes

“Governing Software Process Improvements in Globally Distributed Product Development,” Narayan Ramasubbu, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40, 3, pp. 235-250. [PDF]

Software Product Design and Management

Is taking a design shortcut (aka, technical debt) worth it?

“Technical Debt and the Reliability of Enterprise Software Systems: A Competing Risks Analysis," Narayan Ramasubbu and Chris F. Kemerer, Management Science, forthcoming, 2015. [PDF]

“Managing Technical Debt in Enterprise Software Packages," Narayan Ramasubbu and Chris F. Kemerer, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40, 8, pp. 758-772, 2014. [PDF]

"Managing Technical Debt: Insights from Recent Empirical Evidence," Narayan Ramasubbu, Chris F. Kemerer, C. Jason Woodard, IEEE Software, 32, 2, pp. 22-25, 2015. [PDF]

“Towards a Model for Optimizing Technical Debt in Software Products,” Narayan Ramasubbu and Chris F. Kemerer, 4th International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt, San Francisco, May 2013.[PDF]

Why is design strategic?

“Design Moves and Design Capital: The Logic of Digital Business Strategy,” Jason Woodard, Narayan Ramasubbu, Ted Tschang, V. Sambamurthy, , MIS Quarterly, 37, 2, pp 537-564. [PDF]

How can software product managers achieve both flexibility and efficiency?

“In Search of Efficient Flexibility: Examining the Effects of Component Granularity Design on Customization Effort, Defects, and Development Effort,” Ramanath Subramanyam, Narayan Ramasubbu, and M.S. Krishnan, Information Systems Research, 23, 3, pp. 787-803. [PDF]

Insights for managing software product complexity:

“Does Complexity Deter Customer-Focus,” Sendil Ethiraj, Narayan Ramasubbu, and M. S. Krishnan, Strategic Management Journal, 33, 2, pp. 137-161. [PDF]

“Structural Complexity and Programmer Strategies: An Experimental Test,” Narayan Ramasubbu, Chris Kemerer, and Jeff Hong, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 38, 5, pp. 1054-1068. [PDF]

Design aspects of emerging technologies:

“The Digital Wallet: Opportunities and Prototypes,” Rajesh Krishna Balan and Narayan Ramasubbu, IEEE Computer, 42, 4, pp.100-102. [PDF]

“mFerio: The Design and Evaluation of a Peer-to-Peer Mobile Payment System,” Rajesh Krishna Balan, Narayan Ramasubbu, Komsit Prakobphol, Nicolas Christin, and Jason Hong, 7th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (MobiSys), Krakow, Poland. [PDF]

Technology Strategy and Business Value

How does IT influence firm performance?

“How Information Management Capability Influences Firm Performance? An Empirical Analysis,” Sunil Mithas, Narayan Ramasubbu, and V. Sambamurthy, MIS Quarterly, 35, 1, pp.237-256. [PDF]

Improving customer satisfaction of enterprise IT support:

“High Tech, High Touch: The Effect of Employee Skills and Customer Heterogeneity on Customer Satisfaction with Enterprise System Support Services,” Narayan Ramasubbu, Sunil Mithas, and M. S. Krishnan, Decision Support Systems, 44, 2, pp. 509-523. [PDF]

Generating value from websites:

“Designing Web Sites for Customer Loyalty Across Business Domains: A Multilevel Analysis,” Sunil Mithas, Narayan Ramasubbu, M. S. Krishnan, and Claes Fornell, Journal of Management Information Systems, 23, 3, pp. 97-127. [PDF]