
The Nanomeli group typically consists of a number of 3rd and 4th-year students, most of which intend to pursue Honours Chemistry or Biochemistry degrees.  Many former students have gone on to graduate studies programs in Chemistry, work in materials industry, government labs (NRC, DFO), and other professional programs (medical school, education, etc.).

Nanomeli Group 2017: (L to R) Michael Malek, Abhilash Raveendran, Nolan Parker, Katherine Reiss, Isabel Curtis, Sarahjane Olsen, Rachel Howlett, Vicki Meli

Principal Investigator

Dr. Vicki MeliAssociate Professor

Mount Allison University

1995-1999  BSc Chemistry McGill University 

1999-2005  PhD Chemistry McGill University

2005-2007  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison




