Domain I


Domain I- The teacher designs instruction appropriate for all students that reflects an understanding of relevant content and is based on continuous and appropriate assessment.

COMPETENCY STANDARD 001: The teacher understands human developmental processes and applies this knowledge to plan instruction and ongoing assessment that motivate students and are responsive to their developmental characteristics and needs.

ACTIVITY: Title name linked to the activity file

OVERVIEW: Include an overview paragraph of the activity and purpose/objective. The overview should also be based on the competency standard.

COMPETENCY STANDARD 002: The teacher understands student diversity and knows how to plan learning experiences and design assessments that are responsive to differences among students and that promote all students' learning.ACTIVITY: Title name linked to the activity file

OVERVIEW: Include an overview paragraph of the activity and purpose/objective. The overview should also be based on the competency standard.

COMPETENCY STANDARD 003: The teacher understands procedures for designing effective and coherent instruction and assessment based on appropriate learning goals and objectives.

ACTIVITY: Title name linked to the activity file

OVERVIEW: Include an overview paragraph of the activity and purpose/objective. The overview should also be based on the competency standard.

COMPETENCY STANDARD 004: The teacher understands learning processes and factors that impact student learning and demonstrates this knowledge by planning effective, engaging instruction and appropriate assessments.

ACTIVITY: Title name linked to the activity file

OVERVIEW: Include an overview paragraph of the activity and purpose/objective. The overview should also be based on the competency standard.