Free Educational Classes

The NAMI National Office develops and updates our classes, which include a script that the teachers follow and combine lecture and interactive exercises. Our classes are offered by NAMI affiliates across the country. All of the volunteer teachers are trained and certified by our state office, NAMI Iowa. Each class builds on the one before it and class participants receive reference and resource material to keep from each class. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our office at 319-235-5263.

NAMI Basics

A six-week class that meets once a week for two hours. It is designed for family members and primary caregivers of children and adolescents living with mental health conditions or who have symptoms without a diagnosis.

Teachers are volunteer family members who have children who developed symptoms of mental illness when younger.

The goals are to help families and caregivers:

  • To develop confidence to support their child with compassion.

  • To learn about different types of mental health care professionals, available treatment options, and therapies.

  • To prepare for crisis situations and understand how to navigate the public mental health care, school, and juvenile justice systems.

The program includes:

  • Basic elements of coping with mental health conditions

  • Brain biology and getting a diagnosis

  • Communication skills and crisis preparation

  • Treatment and connecting with others by sharing your story

  • Navigating the mental health and education systems

  • Self-care and advocacy

While this class is sometimes offered in person, there is also an online version, NAMI Basics OnDemand. To register for NAMI Basics OnDemand, go to

NAMI Peer-to-Peer

This eight-week mental health and wellness class is for adults with mental illness who want to better understand themselves and their recovery. The class meets once a week for two hours.

It is taught by volunteer leaders with lived experience who are in recovery. Leaders share information, facilitate activities and discussions, and teach participants new skills that lead to self-awareness and personal growth. Participants learn how to strengthen relationships, balance changing health care needs, and better understand their mental health. The class will offer a safe, confidential space and provide an opportunity for mutual support and growth. You will find compassion and understanding from people who relate to your experiences.

The course will help you learn to:

  • Set a vision and goals for the future

  • Partner with health care providers

  • Understand mental health treatment options

  • Develop confidence for making decisions

  • Practice relaxation and stress reduction tools

  • Share your story

  • Strengthen relationships

  • Enhance communication skills

Participant perspectives:

“NAMI Peer-to-Peer is uplifting, life-saving and an eye-opening experience that changed how I see myself.”

“The biggest thing I gained from this class was to become my own advocate and best friend.”

“Seeing my peers’ strength and dedication to their recovery was personally meaningful.”

NAMI Family-to-Family

A free eight-week course that meets once a week for family members, partners, and significant others who have adult relatives with mental illness. Two volunteer family members, who have adult relatives with a mental health condition, teach the class.

The class is designed to increase understanding while helping you o maintain your own well-being.

Family members will learn how:

  • To solve problems and communicate effectively

  • Take care of themselves and manage stress

  • To support their loved one with compassion

  • Find and use local supports and services

  • Up-to-date information on mental health conditions and how they affect the brain

  • How to handle a crisis

  • What are the current treatments and therapies

  • The impact of mental health conditions on the entire family

Participant perspectives:

"This course was the single most, without a doubt, helpful and informative thing ever offered in all my years of searching for answers. It has helped me to understand better and communicate more effectively with my brother."

"I thought my wife and I knew just about everything there is to know about the system and the illness. Boy, were we wrong. Without a doubt, this is the best support course I have had the privilege of taking part in, bar none."