
Please contact the executive director if you are interested in making a donation to the organization.

We can mail or email you a copy of our donation form. Thank you in advance for your interest in supporting NAMI.

Contact Phone Number: 319-830-6448

Contact Email Address:

Leslie Cohn, LMSW, Executive Director

There are two other ways to help support the agency financially:

Shop at Amazon and Support NAMI Black Hawk County

AmazonSmile is a program where Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible purchases to charitable organizations chosen by the customers. AmazonSmile is the same as Amazon, with the same products, prices, and service.

Just use the link to support our organization by shopping at AmazonSmile. The link will bring you directly to the website area “” and a percentage of your purchase will go to NAMI.

Donate your Clothing and Household Items to Stuff ETC. and Help Support our Agency

We have a charitable account at the consignment store Stuff Etc. You would contact the store at 319-233-8009 to check what seasons for clothing they are accepting before dropping things off at the store. The store is located at 1210 Flammang Drive. It is on the same side as Menards and next to the old site for the Factory Card & Party Outlet. They will donate anything they do not take to Goodwill.

You do not need to schedule an appointment when you are dropping off items for a nonprofit organization, as long as your sorted items are in two bags (13 gallons or smaller) or two boxes (15 gallons or smaller). You just inform them that you want to designate your donation to NAMI Black Hawk County--our account number is 2165. You also do not have to remain in the store for the processing time. You can be provided a receipt with the estimated value of your items; they do not provide an itemized list. Once the items sell, NAMI will receive 50% of the money, with the other half going to the store.