BioGAP (Biomedical Sciences Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals) is a special interest chapter of NAGAP, The Association for Graduate Enrollment Management, and has a focus on Biomedical Research Programs.

The purpose of BioGAP is:

• To advance the profession of Graduate Admissions in the Biomedical Sciences by identifying trends and sharing best practices among colleagues.

• To support the professional development of individuals working in graduate admissions, recruitment and student services environments through a yearly chapter meeting during the national conference of NAGAP.

• To create and sustain a high standard in the recognition, recruitment and selection of prospective graduate students in the Biomedical Sciences; with particular attention to the diversity and overall quality of graduate students.

• To cultivate and increase relationships among related undergraduate programs across the country with Biomedical Sciences graduate programs.

• Discussion and influence of national educational and scientific policy as it relates to graduate programs in the Biomedical Sciences.