
Teaching Statement

For my teaching statement, click here

Courses Taught

Discrimination Through the Lens of Philosophy of Science (MA seminar) Website Summary

The Legitimacy of Causation in the Sciences (MA seminar)  Syllabus Website            

Introduction to Symbolic Logic

            Covered sentential logic and predicate logic with and without identity.


Introduction to Ethics

Focused on consequentialism, Kantianism and value theory. Throughout the course I emphasized different conceptions of pleasure and its value. I also covered divine command theory, partiality, ethical egoism and moral saints.


Contemporary Moral Issues (Small class format, taught twice)

Covered the following topics: animal ethics, euthanasia, climate change and future generations, abortion, death penalty, drug policy, government surveillance, distributive justice. The class met four times a week. Students were required to write four short papers, one long paper and to participate in an “undergraduate conference” where they presented their longer paper. 

                                                                                                     Syllabus 1    Syllabus 2

Courses as Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Symbolic Logic

Business Ethics

Introduction to Ethics

Contemporary Moral Issues

Course Evaluations

Contemporary Moral Issues 

Introduction to Ethics 

Selected Slides (to be viewed using Powerpoint)

Introduction to Symbolic Logic

Lecture 1

Lecture 29 

Introduction to Ethics

Some Lectures on Utilitarianism