

1) The Worldly Infrastructure of Causation (with Porter Williams and Jim Woodward)

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (forthcoming)

2) The Insufficiency of Statistics for Detecting Discrimination by Police 

     Philosophy of Science (forthcoming) 


3) Signal Manipulation and the Causal Analysis of Racial Discrimination 

Ergo (forthcoming) 

Winner of the 2022 Philosophy of Science Association Prize in Philosophy of Science and Race

4) Static-Dynamic Hybridity in Dynamical Models of Cognition (with Colin Allen)

  Philosophy of Science  (2022) Volume 89 , Issue 2 , pp. 283 - 301 

5) Comparing Rubin and Pearl's Causal Modeling Frameworks: A Commentary on Markus (2021)

 Economics and Philosophy (2022)

6) Intervening and Letting Go: On the Adequacy of Equilibrium Causal Models

         Erkenntnis (2021)

7) Near-Decomposability and the Time-Scale Relativity of Causal Representations 

           Philosophy of Science, 87 pp. 841-56 (2020)

8) Making Sense of Non-Factual Disagreement in Science (with Seamus Bradley)

            Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, vol. 83 pp. 36-43

9) Path-Specific Effects

          The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Volume 70, No 1, 53–76. (2019)

10) Mechanisms Without Mechanistic Explanation

          Synthese, 196(6), 2323-2340. (2019)

11) Discovering Brain Mechanisms Using Network Analysis and Causal Modeling (with Matteo Colombo)

           Minds and Machines, 28(2), 265-286. (2018)

12) Faithfulness, Coordination, and Causal Coincidences 

           Erkenntnis 83 (2): 113-133. (2018)

13) The Frugal Inference of Causal Relations (with Malcolm Forster, Garvesh Raskutti, and Reuben Stern) 

            The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3): 821-848. (2018)

14) If Intelligence is a Cause, It is a Within-Subjects Cause

            Theory and Psychology Vol. 25(3) 346-61 (2015)

            Winner of the 2013 Philosophy of Science Association Graduate Student Essay Award

15)  Systems without a Graphical Causal Representation (with Daniel M Hausman and Reuben Stern)

            Synthese 191 (8): 1925-1930 (December 2013)

16) Puzzles for ZFEL, McShea and Brandon’s Zero Force Evolutionary Law (with Martin Barrett, Hayley Clatterbuck, Michael Goldsby, Casey Helgeson, Brian McLoone, Trevor Pearce, Elliott Sober and Reuben Stern)

            Biology & Philosophy 27 (5): 723-735 (April 2012)

17) Is there an Empirical Disagreement between Genic and Genotypic Selection Models?: A Response to Brandon and Nijhout

            Philosophy of Science, 78 (2): 225-237 (April 2011)

Book Chapters

18)  Reintroducing Dynamics Into Static Causal Models 

            In S. Kleinberg, editor, Time and Causality Across the Sciences. Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Encyclopedia Entries 

19) Simpson’s Paradox (with Jan Sprenger) 

            Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2021)


Book Reviews

20) Conjunctive Explanations: The Nature, Epistemology, and Psychology of Explanatory Multiplicity, by Jonah Schupbach and David Glass (eds). 

BJPS Review of Books (2024)

21) Evidence-Based Policy: A Practical Guide to Doing it Better, by Nancy Cartwright and Jeremy Hardie

         Economics and Philosophy 30 (1):113-120 (2014)

Projects in Search of Collaborators

The Causal Interpretation of the Price Effect Decomposition 

Seeking: Economists with whom to discuss the implications of the present manuscript, with the possible aim of coauthoring a paper. 

Measuring Discrimination [Slides][Recording]

The slides are not self-explanatory, but there is an included recording of a presentation I gave in Tilburg. I'm looking for political philosophers or philosophers of science who are interested in race.


For my dissertation abstract, click here