Welcome to my personal website!
I am a postdoc at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. I currently have ongoing projects in causally modeling dynamical systems and on causal issues related to discrimination. Previously, I worked on the project Causation, Continuity, and Complexity at the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh, and the project Bridging Causal and Explanatory reasoning at Tilburg University. I did my doctoral research at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
I research general philosophy of science, focusing on causation and causal modeling. My research addresses a wide range of questions concerning the nature and scope of causal explanation, as well as epistemological questions about how to choose among the theories compatible with one’s evidence. I am also interested in the use of causal concepts in particular sciences, and have engaged with fields as diverse as population genetics, psychometrics, cognitive science, and neuroscience. This recent podcast interview provides a good entry point to my work on causation and complexity.
When not doing philosophy, I enjoy cycling, craft beer and classical music. I do not enjoy any sport involving a ball, disappointing craft beer or Jeff Koons.