Pumptrack Winter Series

16 June 2024 - 28 July 2024 - 4 August 2024

Nigel Mahan Pumptrack - Bexley Reserve

Race 2

28 July 2024

Pre-enter HERE and bring $5 cash on day

Race Information and Rules


 All riders must follow the relevant rules and guidelines as set out by the following:


Categories are determined by the age of those competing as defined by the difference between the year of the event and the year of birth of the rider.

Race categories will be established following Rider Registration.



A minimum wheel size of 20 inches is required for the men and women open categories. Children’s categories can use smaller wheels.

The bike should have at least 1 rear brake.

No bikes with any kind of automatic transmission, pedal assist motors or engines are allowed.

No protruding parts on the bike, which can injure other riders (such as pegs) are permitted.


Riders are not allowed to use pedals where their shoes are fixed to the pedal through a clipless system. Flat pedals only.


Clothing and protective accessories

              The following clothing and protective gear should be worn by all riders:

A helmet must be worn properly both when racing and when training on the track. An open face helmet is mandatory while a full-face helmet is strongly recommended.

A shirt is mandatory while long sleeve shirt and elbow pads are recommended.

Regular shoes are mandatory, sandals or other open shoes are not permitted.

Full finger gloves are recommended.

Long pants and/or knee protection is recommended


Clothing and protective accessories

              The following clothing and protective gear should be worn by all riders:

A helmet helmet is strongly recommended.

A shirt is mandatory while long sleeve shirt and elbow pads are recommended.

Regular shoes are mandatory, sandals or other open shoes are not permitted.

Full finger gloves are recommended.

Long pants and/or knee protection is recommended

Competition Format

  Race Formats

Competition consists of a free practice session and elimination heats.

  At the start, riders are positioned at the start box (indicated on plan by a blue arrow pointing into the track) with cranks vertical and one foot on the ground.


Free practice session

                 A free practice session will take place during registration, prior to commencement of racing.

(text modified on 1.01.21)


              To create a faster event due to cold winter weather. Qualification rounds will not take place and racing will commence with open session elimination heats.

Open session

Elimination heats

The track is open for a pre-determined session time during elimination

(session length calculated using the formula, 1 minute multiplied by the number of riders in the category).

Depending on number in each category, the elimination heats will commence with women followed by men in each stage. i.e. Top 32 if rider numbers allow, followed by 16, 8 or 4.

Fastest 4 riders advance to the finals.

-        Riders placed 1 & 2 in the round of 8 advance to the A final - Riders placed 3 & 4 in the round of 8 to the B final.

-        B final - 2 riders, one run each - fastest rider gets 3rd overall.

-        A final - 2 riders, one run each - fastest rider wins overall.

               If a rider shortcuts the track, the rider will be scored as a DNF (did not finish). The parameters of the track are defined by the plan above (labelled pump track).

If a rider does not complete a full run, the rider will be scored as a DNF and placed last in that phase of the competition.

The race organiser has the final decision on rider disqualification.

The rules are based on the offical UCI MTB Rules Part IV – Vol 5 (2023) Chaper VI – Pump Track (p37)

Elimination sessions.

  This document can be found here:


Second Chance Eliminator

To ensure riders get  a good amount of track time. Any rider eliminated in the first round shall proceed to the second chance eliminator.

An open session to establish a top 4 to proceed to A & B finals.

Elimination Tree:

How the Series works.

Following each round of the Pumptrack Winter Series, points will be awarded as follows:

1st=30, 2nd=25, 3rd=18, 4th=13, 5th=10, 6th=8, 7th=6, 8th=4, 9th=2 & 10th=1

Series winners are those in each category with the most points after 3 rounds. (Categories were established at the first race of the series.)

Check out Ryan Gilchrist (Australian National Champion) practicing and racing on the Nigel Mahan Pumptrack during the UCI World Qualifying event held in September 2023

Pumptrack Racing.




Pumptrack Race Disclaimer

Location: NMPT, Bexley Reserve

Disclaimer and Acknowledgment of Risk

By entering this event you agree and acknowledge the following disclaimer and acknowledgment of risk:

1. Assumption of Risk I acknowledge that pumptrack involves some risks, including but not limited to serious injury, permanent disability, paralysis, and death. I understand that these risks cannot be entirely eliminated, regardless of the care and precautions taken by the event organizers.

2. Personal Responsibility I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions while participating in the event. I agree to follow all event rules, instructions from event staff, and applicable laws and regulations. I understand that I am solely responsible for ensuring that my bike and equipment are in safe and proper working condition.

3. Health and Fitness I confirm that I am in good health and physical condition to participate in this event. I have no known medical conditions or impairments that could be aggravated by my participation. If I have any doubts about my health or fitness, I will consult with a medical professional before participating.

4. Equipment and Gear I acknowledge that I must wear appropriate safety gear, including a certified helmet, during the event. I am responsible for ensuring that my bike and equipment meet the safety standards required by the event organizers.

5. Release of Liability In consideration of being allowed to participate in the event, I hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the event organizers, sponsors, volunteers, landowners, and any other parties associated with the event, from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise from my participation in the event, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.

6. Indemnity I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the event organizers, sponsors, volunteers, landowners, and any other parties associated with the event, from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, including attorney fees, arising out of my participation in the event.

7. Media Release I grant permission to the event organizers to use my name, likeness, and any photographs, videos, or recordings taken during the event for promotional and marketing purposes without compensation.

8. Acknowledgment of Understanding I have read this disclaimer and acknowledgment of risk thoroughly and understand its terms. I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including the right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing this disclaimer freely and voluntarily, and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

 NAC BMX Club One Day Licence Terms and Conditions

I, the person who has applied (or, if under 18, the parent/guardian/caregiver of said person) to NACBMX Club for a ‘One Day’ Licence:

Declare that I understand/agree that:

It is the policy of North Avon Christchurch BMX Club (NAC) to ensure that all participants, volunteers, coaches and parents promote fair play at all times.  Riders are encouraged to be “GOOD SPORTS” and to co-operate with and respect other riders, coaches and officials at all times.  The aim is for all riders to enjoy training & racing, improve their skills and have fun.


I agree to abide by the following

·         Co-operate fully, respecting all requests and decisions made by coaches, officials and administrators.

·         Control my temper at all times and avoid behaviour which may upset other riders.

·         Treat other riders with respect at all times (on and off the track).

·         Be considerate to other riders and officials.

·         Accept success and failure in a noble/selfless way.

·         Do not participate in any club activity whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


a)      I agree that my information will also be recorded on NACBMX Club membership systems and databases;


b)        I understand, once payment has been made for my licence, refunds & cancellations will only be issued in the event of a technical error, or in limited circumstances at NAC BMX Club's sole and absolute discretion. Any refunds issued will be subject to processing and administration fees.



I Acknowledge and agree that additional conditions apply for the ‘One day’ Licence:

a)      I am aware that this ‘One Day’ event licence is only valid for the participation in the event that I have registered for;


b)      I am not entitled or eligible to participate in any other events that require a BMXNZ or Cycling New Zealand licence apart from the event that I have registered and purchased this One Day event licence for.