SDMX Conversion

NA Builder creates NA tables according to the classifications which have been specified as part of the design. Output of these tables follows the 4-dimesnional data model (sheet, partition, row, column). Often these tables need to be converted into SDMX format. The following tools can assist in this process:

  • The EXCEL batch tool NA Loader collects and normalizes any collection of cells from any number of these tables; the tool can also be used to assign SDMX cell attributes to micro data cells (observation status, confidentiality status, observation comment).

  • The ACCESS tool NA SDMX Builder uses the captured data to aggregate the microdata to the required transmission detail, assigns SDMX attributes and prepares tables for entry into the SQL Server SDMX-RI database.

Below you will find some documentation on these two tools:

  • SDMX Conversion of Excel Tables - Presentation on NA Loader and NA SDMX Builder

  • SDMX demo video

  • SDMX Conversions tools - Description of NA Loader and NA SDMX Builder

Here is a presentation on the SDMX conversion tools, as used for the transmission of ESA NA tables:

SDMX Tools v1.2.pdf

Here is a video of a demonstation of the conversion tools (given in TurkStat, December 2019):

Here is a description of the conversion tools:

SDMX tools Documentation v1.7.pdf