
Here are some documents on the application, describing version 1.10 (February 2021):

  • NA Builder Introduction - This document introduces the application using a simple SUT example

  • NA Builder User Manual - The full user manual (also given below)

  • NA Builder Rules - A supplement to the user manual on all the currently available rules

To provide some elementary background to the subject matter of National Accounts as a discipline of Economic Statistics, the following introductions have been added as well.

  • Introduction to National Accounts

  • Introduction to Sampling

  • Introduction to Statistics

Instruction videos on NA Builder concepts can be found here

Instruction videos on NA Builder skills can be found here

Here is the introduction to NA Builder:

NA Builder Introduction v1.4.pdf

Here is the NA Builder User Manual:

NA Builder User Manual (Main).pdf

Here is the supplementary part of the user manual on rules:

NA Builder User Manual (Rules).pdf

Here is an Introduction to National Accounts

Intro NA.pdf

Here is an Introduction to Sampling

Intro Sampling.pdf

Here is an Introduction to Statistics

Intro Statistics.pdf